public static void addMimeParts(AttachmentContainer container, List<Attachment> attachments, MimeMultipart mp,
StringToStringMap contentIds) throws MessagingException {
// no multipart handling?
if (!container.isMultipartEnabled()) {
for (int c = 0; c < attachments.size(); c++) {
Attachment att = attachments.get(c);
if (att.getAttachmentType() != Attachment.AttachmentType.CONTENT) {
addSingleAttachment(mp, contentIds, att);
} else {
// first identify if any part has more than one attachments
Map<String, List<Attachment>> attachmentsMap = new HashMap<String, List<Attachment>>();
for (int c = 0; c < attachments.size(); c++) {
Attachment att = attachments.get(c);
if (att.getAttachmentType() == Attachment.AttachmentType.CONTENT) {
String partName = att.getPart();
if (!attachmentsMap.containsKey(partName)) {
attachmentsMap.put(partName, new ArrayList<Attachment>());
// add attachments
for (Iterator<String> i = attachmentsMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
attachments = attachmentsMap.get(;
if (attachments.size() == 1) {
Attachment att = attachments.get(0);
addSingleAttachment(mp, contentIds, att);
// more than one attachment with the same part -> create multipart
// attachment
else if (attachments.size() > 1) {