public String assertResult(LoadTestRunner loadTestRunner, LoadTestRunContext context, TestStepResult result,
TestCaseRunner testRunner, TestCaseRunContext runContext) {
TestStep step = result.getTestStep();
if (targetStepMatches(step)) {
WsdlLoadTest loadTest = (WsdlLoadTest) loadTestRunner.getLoadTest();
LoadTestLog loadTestLog = loadTest.getLoadTestLog();
int errorCount = loadTestLog.getErrorCount(step.getName());
if (maxAbsoluteErrors >= 0 && errorCount > maxAbsoluteErrors) {"Maximum number of errors [" + maxAbsoluteErrors + "] exceeded for step ["
+ step.getName() + "]");
int index = step.getTestCase().getIndexOfTestStep(step);
LoadTestStatistics statisticsModel = loadTest.getStatisticsModel();
long totalSteps = statisticsModel.getStatistic(index, Statistic.COUNT);
float relativeErrors = (float) errorCount / (float) totalSteps;
if (maxRelativeErrors > 0 && relativeErrors > maxRelativeErrors) {"Maximum relative number of errors [" + maxRelativeErrors + "] exceeded for step ["