public OpenRequestForMockOperationAction() {
super("Open Request", "Opens/Creates a request for this MockOperation with correct endpoint");
public void perform(WsdlMockOperation mockOperation, Object param) {
WsdlOperation operation = mockOperation.getOperation();
if (operation == null) {
UISupport.showErrorMessage("Missing operation for this mock response");
String[] names = ModelSupport.getNames(operation.getRequestList(), new String[]{"-> Create New"});
String name = (String) UISupport.prompt("Select Request for Operation [" + operation.getName() + "] "
+ "to open or create", "Open Request", names);
if (name != null) {
WsdlRequest request = operation.getRequestByName(name);
if (request == null) {
name = UISupport.prompt("Specify name of new request", "Open Request",
"Request " + (operation.getRequestCount() + 1));
if (name == null) {
boolean createOptional = operation.getSettings().getBoolean(
if (!createOptional) {
createOptional = UISupport.confirm("Create optional elements from schema?", "Create Request");
request = operation.addNewRequest(name);
String requestContent = operation.createRequest(createOptional);
if (requestContent != null) {