Definition definition = wsdlContext.getDefinition();
List<WsdlInterface> result = new ArrayList<WsdlInterface>();
if (bindingName != null) {
WsdlInterface iface = importBinding(project, wsdlContext,
(Binding) definition.getAllBindings().get(bindingName));
return iface == null ? new WsdlInterface[0] : new WsdlInterface[]{iface};
Map<Binding, WsdlInterface> importedBindings = new HashMap<Binding, WsdlInterface>();
Map<?, ?> serviceMap = definition.getAllServices();
if (serviceMap.isEmpty()) {
log.info("Missing services in [" + wsdlUrl + "], check for bindings");
} else {
Iterator<?> i = serviceMap.values().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Service service = (Service) i.next();
Map<?, ?> portMap = service.getPorts();
Iterator<?> i2 = portMap.values().iterator();
while (i2.hasNext()) {
Port port = (Port) i2.next();
Binding binding = port.getBinding();
if (importedBindings.containsKey(binding)) {
// add endpoint since it could differ from already imported
// one..
String endpoint = WsdlUtils.getSoapEndpoint(port);
if (endpoint != null) {
String ifaceName = getInterfaceNameForBinding(binding);
WsdlInterface ifc = (WsdlInterface) project.getInterfaceByName(ifaceName);
if (ifc != null) {
Boolean res = UISupport.confirmOrCancel("Interface [" + ifc.getName()
+ "] already exists in project, update instead?", "Import WSDL");
if (res == null) {
return new WsdlInterface[0];
if (res.booleanValue()) {
if (ifc.updateDefinition(wsdlUrl, false)) {
importedBindings.put(binding, ifc);
WsdlInterface iface = importBinding(project, wsdlContext, binding);
if (iface != null) {
String endpoint = WsdlUtils.getSoapEndpoint(port);
if (endpoint != null) {
// NOTE: question is what has priority wsaw:usingAddressing or
// wsam:Addressing policy
// in case addressing is defined both ways in the wsdl and
// there is conflict
// currently the first one that's set is final
// first is checked wsdl binding and policy attachment
// and then for port in the same order
if (iface.getWsaVersion().equals(WsaVersionTypeConfig.NONE.toString())) {
if (iface.getWsaVersion().equals(WsaVersionTypeConfig.NONE.toString())) {
iface.processPolicy(PolicyUtils.getAttachedPolicy(port, wsdlContext.getDefinition()));
importedBindings.put(binding, iface);
Map<?, ?> bindingMap = definition.getAllBindings();
if (!bindingMap.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<?> i = bindingMap.values().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Binding binding = (Binding) i.next();
if (importedBindings.containsKey(binding)) {
PortType portType = binding.getPortType();
if (portType == null) {
log.warn("Missing portType for binding [" + binding.getQName().toString() + "]");
} else {
String ifaceName = getInterfaceNameForBinding(binding);
WsdlInterface ifc = (WsdlInterface) project.getInterfaceByName(ifaceName);
if (ifc != null && result.indexOf(ifc) == -1) {
Boolean res = UISupport.confirmOrCancel("Interface [" + ifc.getName()
+ "] already exists in project, update instead?", "Import WSDL");
if (res == null) {
return new WsdlInterface[0];
if (res.booleanValue()) {
if (ifc.updateDefinition(wsdlUrl, false)) {
importedBindings.put(binding, ifc);
WsdlInterface iface = importBinding(project, wsdlContext, binding);
if (iface != null) {
importedBindings.put(binding, ifc);