ServiceProperties svcProps = context.getServiceProperties();
String httpContextPath = Val.chkStr(svcProps.getHttpContextPath());
String cswBaseUrl = Val.chkStr(svcProps.getCswBaseURL());
OperationResponse opResponse = context.getOperationResponse();
Document responseDom = opResponse.getResponseDom();
PropertyMeaning meaning = returnable.getMeaning();
PropertyMeaningType meaningType = meaning.getMeaningType();
Object[] values = returnable.getValues();
DcElement dcElement = meaning.getDcElement();
if ((dcElement == null) || dcElement.getElementName().startsWith("!")) {
// TODO create an empty element if the values are null?
// return if the values are null
if (values == null) {
//Element elField = dom.createElement(returnable.getClientName());
// add an element for each value found
for (Object oValue: values) {
if (oValue != null) {
if (meaning.getValueType().equals(PropertyValueType.GEOMETRY)) {
if (oValue instanceof Envelope) {
// TODO include multiple envelope types in the response
Envelope env = (Envelope)oValue;
String sLower = env.getMinX()+" "+env.getMinY();