Wrapper class of the GetSellingManagerSoldListings call of eBay SOAP API.
Title: SOAP API wrapper library.
Description: Contains wrapper classes for eBay SOAP APIs.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
Company: eBay Inc.
Input property: Search
- Search filters for sold listings.
Input property: StoreCategoryID
- Listings with this store category ID will be listed.
Input property: Filter
- This holds the list of filters that can be applicable for sold listings.
Input property: Archived
- Requests listing records that are more than 90 days old. Records are archived between 90 and 120 days after being created, and thereafter can only be retrieved using this tag.
Input property: Sort
- Field to be used to sort the response.
Input property: SortOrder
- Order to be used for sorting the requested listings.
Input property: Pagination
- Details about how many listings to return per page and which page to view.
Input property: SaleDateRange
- Specifies the earliest (oldest) and latest (most recent) dates to use in a date range filter based on item start time. A time range can be up to 120 days.
Output property: ReturnedSaleRecord
- Returns a Selling Manager user's sold listings.
Output property: ReturnedPaginationResult
- Contains the total number of pages (TotalNumberOfPages) and the total number of products entries (TotalNumberOfEntries) that can be returned on repeated calls with the same format and report criteria.
@author Ron Murphy
@version 1.0