File workingdir = null;
String scriptargs;
String dirstring;
//get project or framework property for script-exec args
final Framework framework = executionContext.getFramework();
//look for specific property
scriptargs = framework.getProjectProperty(executionContext.getFrameworkProject(),
if (null != node.getAttributes().get(SCRIPT_ATTRIBUTE)) {
scriptargs = node.getAttributes().get(SCRIPT_ATTRIBUTE);
if (null == scriptargs) {
throw new FileCopierException(
"[script-copy file copier] no attribute " + SCRIPT_ATTRIBUTE + " was found on node: "
+ node
.getNodename() + ", and no " + SCRIPT_COPY_DEFAULT_COMMAND_PROPERTY
+ " property was configured for the project or framework.",
dirstring = framework.getProjectProperty(executionContext.getFrameworkProject(),
if (null != node.getAttributes().get(DIR_ATTRIBUTE)) {
dirstring = node.getAttributes().get(DIR_ATTRIBUTE);
if (null != dirstring && !"".equals(dirstring)) {
workingdir = new File(dirstring);
final File srcFile =
null != file ?
file :
BaseFileCopier.writeTempFile(executionContext, file, input, content);
//create context data with node attributes
Map<String, Map<String, String>> newDataContext;
final Map<String, Map<String, String>> nodeContext =
DataContextUtils.addContext("node", DataContextUtils.nodeData(node), executionContext.getDataContext());
final HashMap<String, String> scptexec = new HashMap<String, String>(){{
//set filename of source file
put("filename", srcFile.getName());
put("file", srcFile.getAbsolutePath());
//add file, dir, destination to the file-copy data
if (null != workingdir) {
//set up the data context to include the working dir
scptexec.put("dir", workingdir.getAbsolutePath());
newDataContext = DataContextUtils.addContext("file-copy", scptexec, nodeContext);
//expand remote filepath if we are copying a script
String copiedFilepath;
if (null == remotePath) {
copiedFilepath = framework.getProjectProperty(executionContext.getFrameworkProject(),
if (null != node.getAttributes().get(REMOTE_FILEPATH_ATTRIBUTE)) {
copiedFilepath = node.getAttributes().get(REMOTE_FILEPATH_ATTRIBUTE);
if (null != copiedFilepath) {
if (!(copiedFilepath.contains("${file-copy.filename}")
|| copiedFilepath.contains("${file-copy.file}"))
&& !copiedFilepath.endsWith("/")) {
copiedFilepath += "/";
copiedFilepath = DataContextUtils.replaceDataReferences(copiedFilepath, newDataContext);
} else {
//we are copying to a specific destination
copiedFilepath = remotePath;
//put file in a directory
if (null != copiedFilepath && copiedFilepath.endsWith("/")) {
copiedFilepath += srcFile.getName();
scptexec.put("destination", null != copiedFilepath ? copiedFilepath : "");
newDataContext = DataContextUtils.addContext("file-copy", scptexec, nodeContext);
final Process exec;
String remoteShell = framework.getProjectProperty(executionContext.getFrameworkProject(),
if (null != node.getAttributes().get(SHELL_ATTRIBUTE)) {
remoteShell = node.getAttributes().get(SHELL_ATTRIBUTE);