public void testSearchIndexByDate () throws Exception {
Folder testFolder = null;
Structure testStructure = null;
Contentlet testContent = null;
ContentletAPI contentletAPI = APILocator.getContentletAPI();
try {
ContentletIndexAPI indexAPI = APILocator.getContentletIndexAPI();
//Creating a test structure
PermissionAPI permissionAPI = APILocator.getPermissionAPI();
//Set up a test folder
testFolder = APILocator.getFolderAPI().createFolders( "testSearchIndexByDateFolder", defaultHost, user, false );
permissionAPI.permissionIndividually( permissionAPI.findParentPermissionable( testFolder ), testFolder, user, false );
//Set up a test structure
String structureName = "testSearchIndexByDateStructure";
testStructure = new Structure();
testStructure.setHost( defaultHost.getIdentifier() );
testStructure.setFolder( testFolder.getInode() );
testStructure.setName( structureName );
testStructure.setStructureType( Structure.STRUCTURE_TYPE_CONTENT );
testStructure.setOwner( user.getUserId() );
testStructure.setVelocityVarName( structureName );
StructureFactory.saveStructure( testStructure );
StructureCache.addStructure( testStructure );
//Adding test field
Field field = new Field( "testSearchIndexByDateField", Field.FieldType.DATE_TIME, Field.DataType.DATE, testStructure, true, true, true, 1, false, false, true );
field.setVelocityVarName( "testSearchIndexByDateField" );
field.setListed( true );
FieldFactory.saveField( field );
FieldsCache.addField( field );
//Creating a test contentlet
testContent = new Contentlet();
testContent.setReviewInterval( "1m" );
testContent.setStructureInode( testStructure.getInode() );
testContent.setHost( defaultHost.getIdentifier() );
contentletAPI.setContentletProperty( testContent, field, "03/05/2014" );
testContent = contentletAPI.checkin( testContent, null, permissionAPI.getPermissions( testStructure ), user, false );
//And add it to the index
indexAPI.addContentToIndex( testContent );
//We are just making time in order to let it apply the index
contentletAPI.isInodeIndexed( testContent.getInode(), true );
//Verify if it was added to the index
String query = "+structureName:" + testStructure.getVelocityVarName() + " +testSearchIndexByDateStructure.testSearchIndexByDateField:03/05/2014 +deleted:false +live:true";
List<Contentlet> result = query, 0, -1, "modDate desc", user, true );
assertTrue(UtilMethods.isSet(result) && !result.isEmpty());
} catch(Exception e) {
Logger.error("Error executing testSearchIndexByDate", e.getMessage(), e);