if( c.equals(Identifier.class)){
throw new DotStateException("Identifiers are no longer Inodes!");
try {
String tableName = ((Inode) c.newInstance()).getType();
HibernateUtil dh = new HibernateUtil(c);
// dh.setQuery("from inode in class " + c.getName() + " where ? in
// (select tree.parent from com.dotmarketing.beans.Tree tree
// where inode.inode = tree.child and tree.relationType = ?)");
String sql = "SELECT {" + tableName + ".*} from " + tableName + " " + tableName + ", tree tree, inode "
+ tableName + "_1_ where tree.child = ? and tree.parent = " + tableName + ".inode and " + tableName
+ "_1_.inode = " + tableName + ".inode and tree.relation_type = ? and "+tableName+"_1_.type = '"+tableName+"' ";
Logger.debug(InodeFactory.class, "hibernateUtilSQL:getChildOfClassByRelationType\n " + sql + "\n");
Logger.debug(InodeFactory.class, "inode: " + p.getInode() + "\n");
return dh.load();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(InodeFactory.class, "getChildrenClass failed:" + e, e);
throw new DotRuntimeException(e.toString());