public void executeUpgrade () throws DotDataException, DotRuntimeException {
//Update identifier table for the SYSTEM_HOST
DotConnect dc = new DotConnect();
dc.setSQL( "update identifier set asset_name = ? where id = ?" );
dc.addParam( "system host" );
dc.addParam( Host.SYSTEM_HOST );
//Verify if we already have a contentlet version for the SYSTEM_HOST contentlet
dc = new DotConnect();
dc.setSQL( "select identifier from contentlet_version_info where identifier = ?" );
dc.addParam( Host.SYSTEM_HOST );
ArrayList<Map<String, String>> versionsResults = dc.loadResults();
//Ok, we didn't found a version for this SYSTEM_HOST contentlet, so we need to create one
if ( versionsResults == null || versionsResults.isEmpty() ) {
//Getting the SYSTEM_HOST contentlet
dc = new DotConnect();
dc.setSQL( "select inode, language_id from contentlet where title = 'System Host'" );
ArrayList<Map<String, String>> results = dc.loadResults();
if ( results != null && results.size() > 0 ) {
String inode = results.get( 0 ).get( "inode" );
String languageId = results.get( 0 ).get( "language_id" );
//Insert a contentlet version for the SYSTEM_HOST contentlet
dc = new DotConnect();
dc.setSQL( "insert into contentlet_version_info (identifier, lang, working_inode, live_inode, deleted, locked_by, locked_on, version_ts) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" );
dc.addParam( Host.SYSTEM_HOST );
dc.addParam( Long.valueOf( languageId ) );
dc.addParam( inode );
dc.addParam( inode );
if ( DbConnectionFactory.isPostgres() ) {
dc.addParam( false );
} else if ( DbConnectionFactory.isMsSql() ) {
dc.addParam( 0 );
} else if ( DbConnectionFactory.isMySql() ) {
dc.addParam( 0 );
} else if ( DbConnectionFactory.isOracle() ) {
dc.addParam( 0 );
dc.addObject( null );
dc.addParam( new Date() );
dc.addParam( new Date() );
} else {
throw new DotRuntimeException( "Error querying SYSTEM_HOST contentlet." );