Log.info("using parameters: maxX grid: " + maxX + " maxY grid: " + maxY + " max #iterations: " + iterations);
// Define the intermediate schema: a pair of ints
final Schema schema = new Schema("minMax", Fields.parse("min:int, max:int"));
TupleMRBuilder job = new TupleMRBuilder(conf);
job.setGroupByFields("min", "max");
// Define the input and its associated mapper
// The mapper will just emit the (min, max) pairs to the reduce stage
job.addInput(new Path(input), new HadoopInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class), new TupleMapper<LongWritable, Text>() {
Tuple tuple = new Tuple(schema);
public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, TupleMRContext context, Collector collector) throws IOException,
InterruptedException {
String[] fields = value.toString().split("\t");
tuple.set("min", Integer.parseInt(fields[0]));
tuple.set("max", Integer.parseInt(fields[1]));
// Define the reducer
// The reducer will run as many games of life as (max - min) for each interval it receives
// It will emit the inputs of GOL that converged together with the number of iterations
// Note that inputs that produce grid overflow are ignored (but may have longer iteration convergence)
job.setTupleReducer(new TupleReducer<Text, NullWritable>() {
public void reduce(ITuple group, Iterable<ITuple> tuples, TupleMRContext context, Collector collector)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, TupleMRException {
int min = (Integer) group.get("min"), max = (Integer) group.get("max");
for(int i = min; i < max; i++) {
try {
GameOfLife gameOfLife = new GameOfLife(gridSize, GameOfLife.longToBytes((long) i), maxX, maxY, iterations);
while(true) {
} catch(GameOfLifeException e) {
context.getHadoopContext().getCounter("stats", e.getCauseMessage() + "").increment(1);
if(e.getCauseMessage().equals(CauseMessage.CONVERGENCE_REACHED)) {
collector.write(new Text(Arrays.toString(GameOfLife.longToBytes((long) i)) + "\t" + e.getIterations()),
job.setOutput(new Path(output), new HadoopOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class), Text.class, NullWritable.class);
return 0;