String messageBody = request.getParameter(this.actionName + CQSConstants.REQUEST_ENTRY + index + "." + CQSConstants.MESSAGE_BODY);
while (suppliedId != null) {
if (!Util.isValidId(suppliedId)) {
throw new CMBException(CQSErrorCodes.InvalidBatchEntryId, "Id " + suppliedId + " is invalid. Only alphanumeric, hyphen, and underscore are allowed. It can be at most " + CMBProperties.getInstance().getCQSMaxMessageSuppliedIdLength() + " letters long.");
if (idList.contains(suppliedId)) {
throw new CMBException(CQSErrorCodes.BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct, "Id " + suppliedId + " repeated");
if (messageBody == null || messageBody.isEmpty()) {
invalidBodyIdList.add(new CQSBatchResultErrorEntry(suppliedId, true, "EmptyValue", "No value found for " + this.actionName + CQSConstants.REQUEST_ENTRY + index + "." + CQSConstants.MESSAGE_BODY));
} else if (! {
invalidBodyIdList.add(new CQSBatchResultErrorEntry(suppliedId, true, "InvalidMessageContents", "Invalid character was found in the message body."));
} else {
HashMap<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
String delaySecondsStr = request.getParameter(this.actionName + CQSConstants.REQUEST_ENTRY + index + "." + CQSConstants.DELAY_SECONDS);
if (delaySecondsStr != null) {
Integer delaySeconds = 0;
try {
delaySeconds = Integer.parseInt(delaySecondsStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new CMBException(CMBErrorCodes.InvalidParameterValue, "DelaySeconds must be integer value");
if (delaySeconds < 0 || delaySeconds > CMBProperties.getInstance().getCQSMaxMessageDelaySeconds()) {
throw new CMBException(CMBErrorCodes.InvalidParameterValue, "DelaySeconds should be from 0 to " + CMBProperties.getInstance().getCQSMaxMessageDelaySeconds());
} else {
attributes.put(CQSConstants.DELAY_SECONDS, "" + delaySeconds);
attributes.put(CQSConstants.SENDER_ID, user.getUserId());
attributes.put(CQSConstants.SENT_TIMESTAMP, "" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());
attributes.put(CQSConstants.APPROXIMATE_RECEIVE_COUNT, "0");
CQSMessage msg = new CQSMessage(messageBody, attributes);
if (msgList.size() > CMBProperties.getInstance().getCQSMaxMessageCountBatch()) {
throw new CMBException(CQSErrorCodes.TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest, "Maximum number of entries per request are " + CMBProperties.getInstance().getCQSMaxMessageCountBatch() + ". You have sent " + msgList.size() + ".");
totalMessageSize += messageBody == null ? 0 : messageBody.length();
if (totalMessageSize > CMBProperties.getInstance().getCQSMaxMessageSizeBatch()) {
throw new CMBException(CQSErrorCodes.BatchRequestTooLong, "Batch requests cannot be longer than " + CMBProperties.getInstance().getCQSMaxMessageSizeBatch() + " bytes");
suppliedId = request.getParameter(this.actionName + CQSConstants.REQUEST_ENTRY + index + ".Id");
messageBody = request.getParameter(this.actionName + CQSConstants.REQUEST_ENTRY + index + "." + CQSConstants.MESSAGE_BODY);
if (msgList.size() == 0) {
throw new CMBException(CMBErrorCodes.InvalidQueryParameter, "Both user supplied message Id and message body are required");
int shard = 0;
if (queue.getNumberOfShards() > 1) {