Package com.collective2.signalEntry.implementation

Examples of com.collective2.signalEntry.implementation.ResponseManager

        // validates commands and returns hard coded (canned) responses
        DynamicSimulationAdapter simulationAdapter = new DynamicSimulationAdapter(false);

        String password = "P455w0rd";
        String eMail = "";
        Portfolio portfolio = new SimplePortfolioFactory().createPortfolio(new BigDecimal("10000"));
        BigDecimal commission = new BigDecimal("10.00");
        Integer systemId = simulationAdapter.createSystem("first system",password,portfolio,commission);
        C2ServiceFactory factory = new C2ServiceFactory(simulationAdapter);
        C2EntryService sentryService = factory.signalEntryService(password, systemId, eMail);
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        // validates commands and returns hard coded (canned) responses
        DynamicSimulationAdapter simulationAdapter = new DynamicSimulationAdapter(false);

        String password = "P455w0rd";
        String eMail = "";
        Portfolio portfolio = new SimplePortfolioFactory().createPortfolio(new BigDecimal("10000"));
        BigDecimal commission = new BigDecimal("10.00");
        Integer systemId = simulationAdapter.createSystem("first system",password,portfolio,commission);
        C2ServiceFactory factory = new C2ServiceFactory(simulationAdapter);
        C2EntryService sentryService = factory.signalEntryService(password, systemId, eMail);
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        // validates commands and returns hard coded (canned) responses
        DynamicSimulationAdapter simulationAdapter = new DynamicSimulationAdapter(false);

        String password = "P455w0rd";
        String eMail = "";
        Portfolio portfolio = new SimplePortfolioFactory().createPortfolio(new BigDecimal("10000"));
        BigDecimal commission = new BigDecimal("10.00");
        Integer systemId = simulationAdapter.createSystem("first system",password,portfolio,commission);
        C2ServiceFactory factory = new C2ServiceFactory(simulationAdapter);
        C2EntryService sentryService = factory.signalEntryService(password, systemId, eMail);
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        // validates commands and returns hard coded (canned) responses
        DynamicSimulationAdapter simulationAdapter = new DynamicSimulationAdapter(false);

        String password = "P455w0rd";
        String eMail = "";
        Portfolio portfolio = new SimplePortfolioFactory().createPortfolio(new BigDecimal("10000"));
        BigDecimal commission = new BigDecimal("10.00");
        Integer systemId = simulationAdapter.createSystem("first system",password,portfolio,commission);
        C2ServiceFactory factory = new C2ServiceFactory(simulationAdapter);
        C2EntryService sentryService = factory.signalEntryService(password, systemId, eMail);
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        // validates commands and returns hard coded (canned) responses
        DynamicSimulationAdapter simulationAdapter = new DynamicSimulationAdapter(false);

        String password = "P455w0rd";
        String eMail = "";
        Portfolio portfolio = new SimplePortfolioFactory().createPortfolio(new BigDecimal("10000"));
        BigDecimal commission = new BigDecimal("10.00");
        Integer systemId = simulationAdapter.createSystem("first system",password,portfolio,commission);
        C2ServiceFactory factory = new C2ServiceFactory(simulationAdapter);
        C2EntryService sentryService = factory.signalEntryService(password, systemId, eMail);
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        // validates commands and returns hard coded (canned) responses
        DynamicSimulationAdapter simulationAdapter = new DynamicSimulationAdapter(false);

        String password = "P455w0rd";
        String eMail = "";
        Portfolio portfolio = new SimplePortfolioFactory().createPortfolio(new BigDecimal("10000"));
        BigDecimal commission = new BigDecimal("10.00");
        Integer systemId = simulationAdapter.createSystem("first system",password,portfolio,commission);
        C2ServiceFactory factory = new C2ServiceFactory(simulationAdapter);
        C2EntryService sentryService = factory.signalEntryService(password, systemId, eMail);
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        long time = stop;
        Instrument instrument = Instrument.Forex;
        String symbol = "GG";
        SignalAction action = SignalAction.BTO;
        Integer quantity = 10;
        QuantityComputable quantityComputable = new QuantityComputableFixed(quantity);
        long cancelAtMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        Duration timeInForce = Duration.GoodTilCancel;

        OrderProcessorStop processor = new OrderProcessorStop(time, symbol, buyBelow);
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        int id = 42;
        long time = stop;
        Instrument instrument = Instrument.Forex;
        String symbol = "GG";
        Integer quantity = 10;
        QuantityComputable quantityComputable = new QuantityComputableFixed(quantity);
        long cancelAtMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        Duration timeInForce = Duration.GoodTilCancel;

        OrderProcessorStop processor = new OrderProcessorStop(time,symbol,sellAbove);
        Order order = new Order(null, id,instrument,symbol,sellAction,quantityComputable,cancelAtMs,timeInForce,processor,null);
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        long time = stop;
        Instrument instrument = Instrument.Forex;
        String symbol = "GG";
        SignalAction action = SignalAction.BTO;
        Integer quantity = 10;
        QuantityComputable quantityComputable = new QuantityComputableFixed(quantity);
        long cancelAtMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        Duration timeInForce = Duration.GoodTilCancel;
        OrderProcessorMarket processor = new OrderProcessorMarket(time, symbol);
        Order order = new Order(null, id,instrument,symbol,action,quantityComputable,cancelAtMs,timeInForce,processor, null);
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        int id = 42;
        long time = stop;
        Instrument instrument = Instrument.Forex;
        String symbol = "GG";
        Integer quantity = 10;
        QuantityComputable quantityComputable = new QuantityComputableFixed(quantity);
        long cancelAtMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        Duration timeInForce = Duration.GoodTilCancel;
        OrderProcessorMarket processor = new OrderProcessorMarket(time, symbol);
        Order order = new Order(null, id,instrument,symbol,sellAction,quantityComputable,cancelAtMs,timeInForce,processor, null);
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Related Classes of com.collective2.signalEntry.implementation.ResponseManager

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