Package com.cloudera.sqoop.util

Examples of com.cloudera.sqoop.util.ExportException

        getRowCountFromDB(context.getConnManager(), tableName));

      doValidate(options, conf, validationContext);
    } catch (ValidationException e) {
      throw new ExportException("Error validating row counts", e);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new ExportException("Error retrieving DB target row count", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new ExportException("Error retrieving source row count", e);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      throw new ExportException("Error retrieving source row count", e);
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   * Export data stored in HDFS into a table in a database.
   * This inserts new rows into the target table.
  public void exportTable(com.cloudera.sqoop.manager.ExportJobContext context)
      throws IOException, ExportException {
    throw new ExportException("This database does not support exports");
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   * Export data stored in HDFS into a table in a database. This calls a stored
   * procedure to insert rows into the target table.
  public void callTable(com.cloudera.sqoop.manager.ExportJobContext context)
      throws IOException, ExportException {
    throw new ExportException("This database does not support exports "
        + "using stored procedures");
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   * This updates existing rows in the target table, based on the
   * updateKeyCol specified in the context's SqoopOptions.
  public void updateTable(com.cloudera.sqoop.manager.ExportJobContext context)
      throws IOException, ExportException {
    throw new ExportException("This database does not support updates");
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   * This may update or insert rows into the target table depending on
   * whether rows already exist in the target table or not.
  public void upsertTable(com.cloudera.sqoop.manager.ExportJobContext context)
      throws IOException, ExportException {
    throw new ExportException("Mixed update/insert is not supported"
        + " against the target database yet");
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      ExportException {


    if (this.columnTypesInOracleTable == null) {
      throw new ExportException("The column-types for the table are not"
          + "known.");
    if (this.columnTypesInOracleTable.containsValue(OraOopOracleQueries
        .getOracleType("BINARY_DOUBLE"))) {
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    char ec = (char) options.getInputEscapedBy();

    if (qc > 0 && !(qc == '"' || qc == '\'')) {
      throw new ExportException("Input enclosed-by character must be '\"' "
         + "or ''' for netezza direct mode exports");
    if (ec > 0 && ec != '\\') {
      throw new ExportException("Input escaped-by character must be '\\' "
          + "for netezza direct mode exports");
    exporter = new NetezzaExternalTableExportJob(context);
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      if (cmgr.supportsStagingForExport()) {"Data will be staged in the table: " + stagingTableName);
        tableName = stagingTableName;
        stagingEnabled = true;
      } else {
        throw new ExportException("The active connection manager ("
            + cmgr.getClass().getCanonicalName()
            + ") does not support staging of data for export. "
            + "Please retry without specifying the --staging-table option.");

    String tableClassName = null;
    if (!cmgr.isORMFacilitySelfManaged()) {
        tableClassName =
            new TableClassName(options).getClassForTable(outputTableName);
    // For ORM self managed, we leave the tableClassName to null so that
    // we don't check for non-existing classes.
    String ormJarFile = context.getJarFile();"Beginning export of " + outputTableName);
    loadJars(conf, ormJarFile, tableClassName);

    if (stagingEnabled) {
      // Prepare the staging table
      if (options.doClearStagingTable()) {
        try {
          // Delete all records from staging table
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          throw new ExportException(
              "Failed to empty staging table before export run", ex);
      } else {
        // User has not explicitly specified the clear staging table option.
        // Assert that the staging table is empty.
        try {
          long rowCount = cmgr.getTableRowCount(stagingTableName);
          if (rowCount != 0L) {
            throw new ExportException("The specified staging table ("
                + stagingTableName + ") is not empty. To force deletion of "
                + "its data, please retry with --clear-staging-table option.");
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          throw new ExportException(
              "Failed to count data rows in staging table: "
                  + stagingTableName, ex);

    Job job = createJob(conf);
    try {
      // Set the external jar to use for the job.
      job.getConfiguration().set("mapred.jar", ormJarFile);
      if (options.getMapreduceJobName() != null) {

      if (isHCatJob) {"Configuring HCatalog for export job");
        SqoopHCatUtilities hCatUtils = SqoopHCatUtilities.instance();
        hCatUtils.configureHCat(options, job, cmgr, tableName,
      configureInputFormat(job, tableName, tableClassName, null);
      configureOutputFormat(job, tableName, tableClassName);
      configureMapper(job, tableName, tableClassName);
      cacheJars(job, context.getConnManager());

      boolean success = runJob(job);
      if (!success) {
        throw new ExportException("Export job failed!");

      if (options.isValidationEnabled()) {
        validateExport(tableName, conf, job);
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
      throw new IOException(ie);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
      throw new IOException(cnfe);
    } finally {

    // Unstage the data if needed
    if (stagingEnabled) {
      // Migrate data from staging table to the output table
      try {"Starting to migrate data from staging table to destination.");
        cmgr.migrateData(stagingTableName, outputTableName);
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        LoggingUtils.logAll(LOG, "Failed to move data from staging table ("
          + stagingTableName + ") to target table ("
          + outputTableName + ")", ex);
        throw new ExportException(
            "Failed to move data from staging table", ex);
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        getRowCountFromDB(context.getConnManager(), tableName));

      doValidate(options, conf, validationContext);
    } catch (ValidationException e) {
      throw new ExportException("Error validating row counts", e);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new ExportException("Error retrieving DB target row count", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new ExportException("Error retrieving source row count", e);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      throw new ExportException("Error retrieving source row count", e);
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      throw new SQLException("This manager cannot execute SQL statements");

    public void exportTable(ExportJobContext context) throws ExportException {
      throw new ExportException("This manager cannot write tables.");
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Related Classes of com.cloudera.sqoop.util.ExportException

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