public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Construct a local filesystem dataset repository rooted at /tmp/data
DatasetRepository fsRepo = DatasetRepositories.open("repo:hdfs:/tmp/data");
// Construct an HCatalog dataset repository using external Hive tables
DatasetRepository hcatRepo = DatasetRepositories.open("repo:hive:/tmp/data");
// Turn debug on while in development.
getPipeline().getConfiguration().set("crunch.log.job.progress", "true");
// Load the events dataset and get the correct partition to sessionize
Dataset<StandardEvent> eventsDataset = fsRepo.load("events");
Dataset<StandardEvent> partition;
if (args.length == 0 || (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("LATEST"))) {
partition = getLatestPartition(eventsDataset);
} else {
partition = getPartitionForURI(eventsDataset, args[0]);
// Create a parallel collection from the working partition
PCollection<StandardEvent> events = read(
CrunchDatasets.asSource(partition, StandardEvent.class));
// Group events by user and cookie id, then create a session for each group
PCollection<Session> sessions = events
.by(new GetSessionKey(), Avros.strings())
.parallelDo(new MakeSession(), Avros.specifics(Session.class));
// Write the sessions to the "sessions" Dataset
getPipeline().write(sessions, CrunchDatasets.asTarget(hcatRepo.load("sessions")),
return run().succeeded() ? 0 : 1;