for (final Map.Entry<String, State> entry : newStates.entrySet()) {
final String vm = entry.getKey();
State newState = entry.getValue();
final State oldState = oldStates.remove(vm);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
s_logger.trace("VM " + vm + ": vSphere has state " + newState + " and we have state " + (oldState != null ? oldState.toString() : "null"));
if (vm.startsWith("migrating")) {
s_logger.debug("Migrating detected. Skipping");
if (oldState == null) {
_vms.put(vm, newState);
s_logger.debug("Detecting a new state but couldn't find a old state so adding it to the changes: " + vm);
changes.put(vm, newState);
} else if (oldState == State.Starting) {
if (newState == State.Running) {
_vms.put(vm, newState);
} else if (newState == State.Stopped) {
s_logger.debug("Ignoring vm " + vm + " because of a lag in starting the vm.");
} else if (oldState == State.Migrating) {
if (newState == State.Running) {
s_logger.debug("Detected that an migrating VM is now running: " + vm);
_vms.put(vm, newState);
} else if (oldState == State.Stopping) {
if (newState == State.Stopped) {
_vms.put(vm, newState);
} else if (newState == State.Running) {
s_logger.debug("Ignoring vm " + vm + " because of a lag in stopping the vm. ");
} else if (oldState != newState) {
_vms.put(vm, newState);
if (newState == State.Stopped) {
* if (_vmsKilled.remove(vm)) { s_logger.debug("VM " + vm + " has been killed for storage. ");
* newState = State.Error; }
changes.put(vm, newState);
for (final Map.Entry<String, State> entry : oldStates.entrySet()) {
final String vm = entry.getKey();
final State oldState = entry.getValue();
if (isVmInCluster(vm)) {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("VM " + vm + " is now missing from host report but we detected that it might be migrated to other host by vCenter");
if(oldState != State.Starting && oldState != State.Migrating) {
s_logger.debug("VM " + vm + " is now missing from host report and VM is not at starting/migrating state, remove it from host VM-sync map, oldState: " + oldState);
} else {
s_logger.debug("VM " + vm + " is missing from host report, but we will ignore VM " + vm + " in transition state " + oldState);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("VM " + vm + " is now missing from host report");
if (oldState == State.Stopping) {
s_logger.debug("Ignoring VM " + vm + " in transition state stopping.");
} else if (oldState == State.Starting) {
s_logger.debug("Ignoring VM " + vm + " in transition state starting.");
} else if (oldState == State.Stopped) {
} else if (oldState == State.Migrating) {
s_logger.debug("Ignoring VM " + vm + " in migrating state.");
} else {
State state = State.Stopped;
changes.put(entry.getKey(), state);
} catch (Throwable e) {