public boolean finalizeCommandsOnStart(Commands cmds, VirtualMachineProfile<DomainRouterVO> profile) {
DomainRouterVO elbVm = profile.getVirtualMachine();
DataCenterVO dcVo = _dcDao.findById(elbVm.getDataCenterId());
NicProfile controlNic = null;
Long guestNetworkId = null;
if(profile.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.VMware && dcVo.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) {
// TODO this is a ugly to test hypervisor type here
// for basic network mode, we will use the guest NIC for control NIC
for (NicProfile nic : profile.getNics()) {
if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest && nic.getIp4Address() != null) {
controlNic = nic;
guestNetworkId = nic.getNetworkId();
} else {
for (NicProfile nic : profile.getNics()) {
if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Control && nic.getIp4Address() != null) {
controlNic = nic;
} else if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest) {
guestNetworkId = nic.getNetworkId();
if (controlNic == null) {
s_logger.error("Control network doesn't exist for the ELB vm " + elbVm);
return false;
cmds.addCommand("checkSsh", new CheckSshCommand(profile.getInstanceName(), controlNic.getIp4Address(), 3922));
// Re-apply load balancing rules
List<LoadBalancerVO> lbs = _elbVmMapDao.listLbsForElbVm(elbVm.getId());
List<LoadBalancingRule> lbRules = new ArrayList<LoadBalancingRule>();
for (LoadBalancerVO lb : lbs) {