} else {
newCurrentBytesSent += bytesSentAndReceived[0];
newCurrentBytesReceived += bytesSentAndReceived[1];
UserStatisticsVO userStats;
final Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
try {
userStats = _userStatsDao.lock(accountId, zone.getId(), networkId, publicIp, externalLoadBalancer.getId(), externalLoadBalancer.getType().toString());
if(userStats != null){
long oldNetBytesSent = userStats.getNetBytesSent();
long oldNetBytesReceived = userStats.getNetBytesReceived();
long oldCurrentBytesSent = userStats.getCurrentBytesSent();
long oldCurrentBytesReceived = userStats.getCurrentBytesReceived();
String warning = "Received an external network stats byte count that was less than the stored value. Zone ID: " + userStats.getDataCenterId() + ", account ID: " + userStats.getAccountId() + ".";
if (oldCurrentBytesSent > newCurrentBytesSent) {
s_logger.warn(warning + "Stored bytes sent: " + oldCurrentBytesSent + ", new bytes sent: " + newCurrentBytesSent + ".");
userStats.setNetBytesSent(oldNetBytesSent + oldCurrentBytesSent);
if (oldCurrentBytesReceived > newCurrentBytesReceived) {
s_logger.warn(warning + "Stored bytes received: " + oldCurrentBytesReceived + ", new bytes received: " + newCurrentBytesReceived + ".");
userStats.setNetBytesReceived(oldNetBytesReceived + oldCurrentBytesReceived);
if (_userStatsDao.update(userStats.getId(), userStats)) {
s_logger.debug("Successfully updated stats for " + statsEntryIdentifier);
} else {
s_logger.debug("Failed to update stats for " + statsEntryIdentifier);
}else {