if( template != null && template.getTemplateType() == Storage.TemplateType.SYSTEM ) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VolumeId: " + volumeId + " is for System VM , Creating snapshot against System VM volumes is not supported");
AccountVO owner = _accountDao.findById(volume.getAccountId());
Long instanceId = volume.getInstanceId();
if (instanceId != null) {
// It is not detached, but attached to a VM
if (_vmDao.findById(instanceId) == null) {
// It is not a UserVM but a SystemVM or DomR
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed to create snapshot policy, snapshots of volumes attached to System or router VM are not allowed");
IntervalType intvType = DateUtil.IntervalType.getIntervalType(cmd.getIntervalType());
if (intvType == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unsupported interval type " + cmd.getIntervalType());
Type type = getSnapshotType(intvType);
TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(cmd.getTimezone());
String timezoneId = timeZone.getID();
if (!timezoneId.equals(cmd.getTimezone())) {
s_logger.warn("Using timezone: " + timezoneId + " for running this snapshot policy as an equivalent of " + cmd.getTimezone());
try {
DateUtil.getNextRunTime(intvType, cmd.getSchedule(), timezoneId, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid schedule: " + cmd.getSchedule() + " for interval type: " + cmd.getIntervalType());
if (cmd.getMaxSnaps() <= 0) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("maxSnaps should be greater than 0");
int intervalMaxSnaps = type.getMax();
if (cmd.getMaxSnaps() > intervalMaxSnaps) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("maxSnaps exceeds limit: " + intervalMaxSnaps + " for interval type: " + cmd.getIntervalType());
// Verify that max doesn't exceed domain and account snapshot limits
long accountLimit = _resourceLimitMgr.findCorrectResourceLimitForAccount(owner, ResourceType.snapshot);
long domainLimit = _resourceLimitMgr.findCorrectResourceLimitForDomain(_domainMgr.getDomain(owner.getDomainId()), ResourceType.snapshot);
int max = cmd.getMaxSnaps().intValue();
if (owner.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN && ((accountLimit != -1 && max > accountLimit) || (domainLimit != -1 && max > domainLimit))) {
String message = "domain/account";
if (owner.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT) {
message = "domain/project";
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Max number of snapshots shouldn't exceed the " + message + " level snapshot limit");