@Override @DB
public boolean delete(TemplateProfile profile) {
boolean success = true;
VMTemplateVO template = profile.getTemplate();
// find all eligible image stores for this template
List<DataStore> imageStores = this.templateMgr.getImageStoreByTemplate(template.getId(), profile.getZoneId());
if (imageStores == null || imageStores.size() == 0) {
// already destroyed on image stores
s_logger.info("Unable to find image store still having template: " + template.getName()
+ ", so just mark the template removed");
} else {
// Make sure the template is downloaded to all found image stores
for (DataStore store : imageStores) {
long storeId = store.getId();
List<TemplateDataStoreVO> templateStores = _tmpltStoreDao
.listByTemplateStore(template.getId(), storeId);
for (TemplateDataStoreVO templateStore : templateStores) {
if (templateStore.getDownloadState() == Status.DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS) {
String errorMsg = "Please specify a template that is not currently being downloaded.";
s_logger.debug("Template: " + template.getName()
+ " is currently being downloaded to secondary storage host: " + store.getName()
+ "; cant' delete it.");
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg);
String eventType = "";
if (template.getFormat().equals(ImageFormat.ISO)) {
eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_DELETE;
} else {
eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_DELETE;
for (DataStore imageStore : imageStores) {
// publish zone-wide usage event
Long sZoneId = ((ImageStoreEntity) imageStore).getDataCenterId();
if (sZoneId != null) {
UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(eventType, template.getAccountId(), sZoneId, template.getId(),
null, null, null);
s_logger.info("Delete template from image store: " + imageStore.getName());
AsyncCallFuture<TemplateApiResult> future = this.imageService.deleteTemplateAsync(this.imageFactory
.getTemplate(template.getId(), imageStore));
try {
TemplateApiResult result = future.get();
success = result.isSuccess();
if (!success) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to delete the template " + template +
" from the image store: " + imageStore.getName() + " due to: " + result.getResult());
// remove from template_zone_ref
List<VMTemplateZoneVO> templateZones = templateZoneDao
.listByZoneTemplate(sZoneId, template.getId());
if (templateZones != null) {
for (VMTemplateZoneVO templateZone : templateZones) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
s_logger.debug("delete template Failed", e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("delete template Failed", e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
s_logger.debug("delete template Failed", e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("delete template Failed", e);
if (success) {
// find all eligible image stores for this template
List<DataStore> iStores = this.templateMgr.getImageStoreByTemplate(template.getId(), null);
if (iStores == null || iStores.size() == 0) {
// remove template from vm_templates table
if (_tmpltDao.remove(template.getId())) {
// Decrement the number of templates and total secondary storage
// space used by the account
Account account = _accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(template.getAccountId());
_resourceLimitMgr.decrementResourceCount(template.getAccountId(), ResourceType.template);
_resourceLimitMgr.recalculateResourceCount(template.getAccountId(), account.getDomainId(),
return success;