public void checkResourceLimit(final Account account, final ResourceType type, long... count) throws ResourceAllocationException {
final long numResources = ((count.length == 0) ? 1 : count[0]);
Project project = null;
// Don't place any limits on system or root admin accounts
if (_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(account.getId())) {
if (account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT) {
project = _projectDao.findByProjectAccountId(account.getId());
final Project projectFinal = project;
Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithExceptionNoReturn<ResourceAllocationException>() {
public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) throws ResourceAllocationException {
// Lock all rows first so nobody else can read it
Set<Long> rowIdsToLock = _resourceCountDao.listAllRowsToUpdate(account.getId(), ResourceOwnerType.Account, type);
SearchCriteria<ResourceCountVO> sc = ResourceCountSearch.create();
sc.setParameters("id", rowIdsToLock.toArray());
_resourceCountDao.lockRows(sc, null, true);
// Check account limits
long accountLimit = findCorrectResourceLimitForAccount(account, type);
long potentialCount = _resourceCountDao.getResourceCount(account.getId(), ResourceOwnerType.Account, type) + numResources;
if (accountLimit != Resource.RESOURCE_UNLIMITED && potentialCount > accountLimit) {
String message =
"Maximum number of resources of type '" + type + "' for account name=" + account.getAccountName() + " in domain id=" + account.getDomainId() +
" has been exceeded.";
if (projectFinal != null) {
message =
"Maximum number of resources of type '" + type + "' for project name=" + projectFinal.getName() + " in domain id=" + account.getDomainId() +
" has been exceeded.";
throw new ResourceAllocationException(message, type);
// check all domains in the account's domain hierarchy
Long domainId = null;
if (projectFinal != null) {
domainId = projectFinal.getDomainId();
} else {
domainId = account.getDomainId();
while (domainId != null) {