if (router.getServiceOfferingId() == serviceOfferingId) {
s_logger.debug("Router: " + routerId + "already has service offering: " + serviceOfferingId);
return _routerDao.findById(routerId);
ServiceOffering newServiceOffering = _configMgr.getServiceOffering(serviceOfferingId);
if (newServiceOffering == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find service offering with id " + serviceOfferingId);
// check if it is a system service offering, if yes return with error as it cannot be used for user vms
if (!newServiceOffering.getSystemUse()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot upgrade router vm to a non system service offering " + serviceOfferingId);
// Check that the router is stopped
if (!router.getState().equals(State.Stopped)) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to upgrade router " + router.toString() + " in state " + router.getState());
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to upgrade router " + router.toString() + " in state " + router.getState()
+ "; make sure the router is stopped and not in an error state before upgrading.");
ServiceOfferingVO currentServiceOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(router.getServiceOfferingId());
// Check that the service offering being upgraded to has the same storage pool preference as the VM's current service
// offering
if (currentServiceOffering.getUseLocalStorage() != newServiceOffering.getUseLocalStorage()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't upgrade, due to new local storage status : " +
newServiceOffering.getUseLocalStorage() + " is different from "
+ "curruent local storage status: " + currentServiceOffering.getUseLocalStorage());
if (_routerDao.update(routerId, router)) {