if (!_networkModel.networkIsConfiguredForExternalNetworking(config.getDataCenterId(), config.getId())) {
return super.implement(config, offering, dest, context);
DataCenter zone = dest.getDataCenter();
NetworkVO implemented = new NetworkVO(config.getTrafficType(), config.getMode(), config.getBroadcastDomainType(), config.getNetworkOfferingId(), State.Allocated,
config.getDataCenterId(), config.getPhysicalNetworkId());
// Get a vlan tag
int vlanTag;
if (config.getBroadcastUri() == null) {
String vnet = _dcDao.allocateVnet(zone.getId(), config.getPhysicalNetworkId(), config.getAccountId(),
context.getReservationId(), canUseSystemGuestVlan(config.getAccountId()));
try {
vlanTag = Integer.parseInt(vnet);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Obtained an invalid guest vlan tag. Exception: " + e.getMessage());
ActionEventUtils.onCompletedActionEvent(UserContext.current().getCallerUserId(), config.getAccountId(), EventVO.LEVEL_INFO, EventTypes.EVENT_ZONE_VLAN_ASSIGN, "Assigned Zone Vlan: " + vnet + " Network Id: " + config.getId(), 0);
} else {
vlanTag = Integer.parseInt(config.getBroadcastUri().getHost());
// Determine the new gateway and CIDR
String[] oldCidr = config.getCidr().split("/");
String oldCidrAddress = oldCidr[0];
int cidrSize = Integer.parseInt(oldCidr[1]);
long newCidrAddress = (NetUtils.ip2Long(oldCidrAddress));
// if the implementing network is for vpc, no need to generate newcidr, use the cidr that came from super cidr
if (config.getVpcId() != null) {
} else {
// Determine the offset from the lowest vlan tag
int offset = getVlanOffset(config.getPhysicalNetworkId(), vlanTag);
cidrSize = getGloballyConfiguredCidrSize();
// If the offset has more bits than there is room for, return null
long bitsInOffset = 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(offset);
if (bitsInOffset > (cidrSize - 8)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("The offset " + offset + " needs " + bitsInOffset + " bits, but only have " + (cidrSize - 8) + " bits to work with.");
newCidrAddress = (NetUtils.ip2Long(oldCidrAddress) & 0xff000000) | (offset << (32 - cidrSize));
implemented.setGateway(NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress + 1));
implemented.setCidr(NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress) + "/" + cidrSize);
// Mask the Ipv4 address of all nics that use this network with the new guest VLAN offset
List<NicVO> nicsInNetwork = _nicDao.listByNetworkId(config.getId());
for (NicVO nic : nicsInNetwork) {