if (loadBalancingRules == null || loadBalancingRules.isEmpty()) {
return null;
String errMsg = null;
ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDeviceVO = getExternalLoadBalancerForNetwork(network);
if (lbDeviceVO == null) {
s_logger.warn("There is no external load balancer device assigned to this network either network is not implement are already shutdown so just returning");
return null;
if (!isNetscalerDevice(lbDeviceVO.getDeviceName())) {
errMsg = "There are no NetScaler load balancer assigned for this network. So NetScaler element can not be handle elastic load balancer rules.";
throw new ResourceUnavailableException(errMsg, this.getClass(), 0);
List<LoadBalancerTO> loadBalancersToApply = new ArrayList<LoadBalancerTO>();
for (int i = 0; i < loadBalancingRules.size(); i++) {
LoadBalancingRule rule = loadBalancingRules.get(i);
boolean revoked = (rule.getState().equals(FirewallRule.State.Revoke));
String protocol = rule.getProtocol();
String algorithm = rule.getAlgorithm();
String lbUuid = rule.getUuid();
String srcIp = rule.getSourceIp().addr();
int srcPort = rule.getSourcePortStart();
List<LbDestination> destinations = rule.getDestinations();
if ((destinations != null && !destinations.isEmpty()) || rule.isAutoScaleConfig()) {
LoadBalancerTO loadBalancer =
new LoadBalancerTO(lbUuid, srcIp, srcPort, protocol, algorithm, revoked, false, false, destinations, null, rule.getHealthCheckPolicies(),
rule.getLbSslCert(), rule.getLbProtocol());
if (loadBalancersToApply.size() > 0) {
int numLoadBalancersForCommand = loadBalancersToApply.size();
LoadBalancerTO[] loadBalancersForCommand = loadBalancersToApply.toArray(new LoadBalancerTO[numLoadBalancersForCommand]);
HealthCheckLBConfigCommand cmd = new HealthCheckLBConfigCommand(loadBalancersForCommand);
HostVO externalLoadBalancer = _hostDao.findById(lbDeviceVO.getHostId());
answer = (HealthCheckLBConfigAnswer)_agentMgr.easySend(externalLoadBalancer.getId(), cmd);
return answer.getLoadBalancers();
return null;