return cmdList;
public Pair<Boolean, Long> validateAndAddVsm(final String vsmIp, final String vsmUser, final String vsmPassword, final long clusterId, String clusterName) throws ResourceInUseException {
CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO vsm = null;
boolean vsmAdded = false;
Long vsmId = 0L;
if(vsmIp != null && vsmUser != null && vsmPassword != null) {
NetconfHelper netconfClient;
try {
netconfClient = new NetconfHelper(vsmIp, vsmUser, vsmPassword);
} catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
String msg = "Invalid credentials supplied for user " + vsmUser + " for Cisco Nexus 1000v VSM at " + vsmIp;
throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
Transaction txn;
// If VSM already exists and is mapped to a cluster, fail this operation.
vsm = _vsmDao.getVSMbyIpaddress(vsmIp);
if(vsm != null) {
List<ClusterVSMMapVO> clusterList = _clusterVSMDao.listByVSMId(vsm.getId());
if (clusterList != null && !clusterList.isEmpty()) {
s_logger.error("Failed to add cluster: specified Nexus VSM is already associated with another cluster");
ResourceInUseException ex = new ResourceInUseException("Failed to add cluster: specified Nexus VSM is already associated with another cluster with specified Id");
// get clusterUuid to report error
ClusterVO cluster = _clusterDao.findById(clusterList.get(0).getClusterId());
throw ex;
// persist credentials to database if the VSM entry is not already in the db.
vsm = Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO>() {
public CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO vsm = null;
if (_vsmDao.getVSMbyIpaddress(vsmIp) == null) {
vsm = new CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO(vsmIp, vsmUser, vsmPassword);
vsm = _vsmDao.persist(vsm);
// Create a mapping between the cluster and the vsm.
vsm = _vsmDao.getVSMbyIpaddress(vsmIp);
if (vsm != null) {
ClusterVSMMapVO connectorObj = new ClusterVSMMapVO(clusterId, vsm.getId());
return vsm;
} else {
String msg;
msg = "The global parameter " + Config.VmwareUseNexusVSwitch.toString() +
" is set to \"true\". Following mandatory parameters are not specified. ";
if(vsmIp == null) {
msg += "vsmipaddress: Management IP address of Cisco Nexus 1000v dvSwitch. ";
if(vsmUser == null) {
msg += "vsmusername: Name of a user account with admin privileges over Cisco Nexus 1000v dvSwitch. ";
if(vsmPassword == null) {
if(vsmUser != null) {
msg += "vsmpassword: Password of user account " + vsmUser + ". ";
} else {
msg += "vsmpassword: Password of user account with admin privileges over Cisco Nexus 1000v dvSwitch. ";
// Cleaning up the cluster record as addCluster operation failed because of invalid credentials of Nexus dvSwitch.
throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
if (vsm != null) {
vsmAdded = true;
vsmId = vsm.getId();
return new Pair<Boolean, Long>(vsmAdded, vsmId);