// Remove all snapshots to consolidate disks for removal
VirtualMachineDiskInfo diskInfo = null;
if (vol.getChainInfo() != null)
diskInfo = _gson.fromJson(vol.getChainInfo(), VirtualMachineDiskInfo.class);
HostMO hostMo = vmMo.getRunningHost();
List<NetworkDetails> networks = vmMo.getNetworksWithDetails();
// tear down all devices first before we destroy the VM to avoid accidently delete disk backing files
if (VmwareResource.getVmState(vmMo) != State.Stopped) {
// call this before calling detachAllDisksExcept
// when expunging a VM, we need to see if any of its disks are serviced by managed storage
// if there is one or more disk serviced by managed storage, remove the iSCSI connection(s)
// don't remove the iSCSI connection(s) until the supported disk(s) is/are removed from the VM
// (removeManagedTargetsFromCluster should be called after detachAllDisksExcept and vm.destroy)
List<VirtualDisk> virtualDisks = vmMo.getVirtualDisks();
List<String> managedIqns = getManagedIqnsFromVirtualDisks(virtualDisks);
List<String> detachedDisks = vmMo.detachAllDisksExcept(vol.getPath(), diskInfo != null ? diskInfo.getDiskDeviceBusName() : null);
VmwareStorageLayoutHelper.moveVolumeToRootFolder(new DatacenterMO(context, morDc), detachedDisks);
// let vmMo.destroy to delete volume for us
// vmMo.tearDownDevices(new Class<?>[] { VirtualDisk.class, VirtualEthernetCard.class });