return new SetStaticNatRulesAnswer(cmd, results, endResult);
protected Answer VPCLoadBalancerConfig(final LoadBalancerConfigCommand cmd) {
VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME);
File keyFile = mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile();
String routerIp = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP);
String controlIp = getRouterSshControlIp(cmd);
assert(controlIp != null);
LoadBalancerConfigurator cfgtr = new HAProxyConfigurator();
String[] config = cfgtr.generateConfiguration(cmd);
String tmpCfgFilePath = "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg.new";
String tmpCfgFileContents = "";
for (int i = 0; i < config.length; i++) {
tmpCfgFileContents += config[i];
tmpCfgFileContents += "\n";
try {
SshHelper.scpTo(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", keyFile, null, "/etc/haproxy/", tmpCfgFileContents.getBytes(), "haproxy.cfg.new", null);
try {
String[][] rules = cfgtr.generateFwRules(cmd);
String[] addRules = rules[LoadBalancerConfigurator.ADD];
String[] removeRules = rules[LoadBalancerConfigurator.REMOVE];
String[] statRules = rules[LoadBalancerConfigurator.STATS];
String args = "";
String ip = cmd.getNic().getIp();
args += " -i " + ip;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (addRules.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < addRules.length; i++) {
args += " -a " + sb.toString();
sb = new StringBuilder();
if (removeRules.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < removeRules.length; i++) {
args += " -d " + sb.toString();
sb = new StringBuilder();
if (statRules.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < statRules.length; i++) {
args += " -s " + sb.toString();
// Invoke the command
Pair<Boolean, String> result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "/opt/cloud/bin/vpc_loadbalancer.sh " + args);
if (!result.first()) {
String msg = "LoadBalancerConfigCommand on domain router " + routerIp + " failed. message: " + result.second();
return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);
if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
s_logger.info("VPCLoadBalancerConfigCommand on domain router " + routerIp + " completed");
} finally {
SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "rm " + tmpCfgFilePath);
return new Answer(cmd);
} catch (Throwable e) {
s_logger.error("Unexpected exception: " + e.toString(), e);
return new Answer(cmd, false, "VPCLoadBalancerConfigCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e));