
Examples of

        DataCenter dc = _configMgr.getZone(network.getDataCenterId());
        Host host = _hostDao.findById(vm.getHostId());
        DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, null, null, host);
        VirtualMachineGuru<VMInstanceVO> vmGuru = getVmGuru(vmVO);
        HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vmProfile.getVirtualMachine().getHypervisorType());
        VirtualMachineTO vmTO = hvGuru.implement(vmProfile);

        // don't delete default NIC on a user VM
        if (nic.isDefaultNic() && vm.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.User ) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to remove nic from " + vm + " in " + network + ", nic is default.");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to remove nic from " + vm + " in " + network + ", nic is default.");
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        DataCenter dc = _configMgr.getZone(network.getDataCenterId());
        Host host = _hostDao.findById(vm.getHostId());
        DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, null, null, host);
        VirtualMachineGuru<VMInstanceVO> vmGuru = getVmGuru(vmVO);
        HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vmProfile.getVirtualMachine().getHypervisorType());
        VirtualMachineTO vmTO = hvGuru.implement(vmProfile);

        Nic nic = null;
        if (broadcastUri != null) {
            nic = _nicsDao.findByNetworkIdInstanceIdAndBroadcastUri(network.getId(), vm.getId(), broadcastUri.toString());
        } else {
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        when(_poolHostDao.findByPoolHost(anyLong(), anyLong())).thenReturn(mock(StoragePoolHostVO.class));

        // Mock hypervisor guru.
        HypervisorGuru guruMock = mock(HypervisorGuru.class);

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            s_logger.debug("Destroying vm " + vm);

        VirtualMachineProfile profile = new VirtualMachineProfileImpl(vm);

        HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vm.getHypervisorType());

        s_logger.debug("Cleaning up NICS");
        List<Command> nicExpungeCommands = hvGuru.finalizeExpungeNics(vm, profile.getNics());

        s_logger.debug("Cleaning up hypervisor data structures (ex. SRs in XenServer) for managed storage");

        List<Command> volumeExpungeCommands = hvGuru.finalizeExpungeVolumes(vm);

        Long hostId = vm.getHostId() != null ? vm.getHostId() : vm.getLastHostId();

        if (volumeExpungeCommands != null && volumeExpungeCommands.size() > 0 && hostId != null) {
            Commands cmds = new Commands(Command.OnError.Stop);

            for (Command volumeExpungeCommand : volumeExpungeCommands) {

            _agentMgr.send(hostId, cmds);

            if (!cmds.isSuccessful()) {
                for (Answer answer : cmds.getAnswers()) {
                    if (!answer.getResult()) {
                        s_logger.warn("Failed to expunge vm due to: " + answer.getDetails());

                        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to expunge " + vm + " due to " + answer.getDetails());

        if (hostId != null) {
            volumeMgr.disconnectVolumesFromHost(vm.getId(), hostId);

        // Clean up volumes based on the vm's instance id

        VirtualMachineGuru guru = getVmGuru(vm);
        //remove the overcommit detials from the uservm details

        // send hypervisor-dependent commands before removing
        List<Command> finalizeExpungeCommands = hvGuru.finalizeExpunge(vm);
        if (finalizeExpungeCommands != null && finalizeExpungeCommands.size() > 0) {
            if (hostId != null) {
                Commands cmds = new Commands(Command.OnError.Stop);
                for (Command command : finalizeExpungeCommands) {
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            plan = new DataCenterDeployment(planToDeploy.getDataCenterId(), planToDeploy.getPodId(), planToDeploy.getClusterId(), planToDeploy.getHostId(),
                    planToDeploy.getPoolId(), planToDeploy.getPhysicalNetworkId(), ctx);

        HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vm.getHypervisorType());

        boolean canRetry = true;
        ExcludeList avoids = null;
        try {
            Journal journal = start.second().getJournal();

            if (planToDeploy != null) {
                avoids = planToDeploy.getAvoids();
            if (avoids == null) {
                avoids = new ExcludeList();
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Deploy avoids pods: " + avoids.getPodsToAvoid() + ", clusters: " + avoids.getClustersToAvoid() + ", hosts: " + avoids.getHostsToAvoid());

            boolean planChangedByVolume = false;
            boolean reuseVolume = true;
            DataCenterDeployment originalPlan = plan;

            int retry = StartRetry.value();
            while (retry-- != 0) { // It's != so that it can match -1.

                if (reuseVolume) {
                    // edit plan if this vm's ROOT volume is in READY state already
                    List<VolumeVO> vols = _volsDao.findReadyRootVolumesByInstance(vm.getId());
                    for (VolumeVO vol : vols) {
                        // make sure if the templateId is unchanged. If it is changed,
                        // let planner
                        // reassign pool for the volume even if it ready.
                        Long volTemplateId = vol.getTemplateId();
                        if (volTemplateId != null && volTemplateId.longValue() != template.getId()) {
                            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                s_logger.debug(vol + " of " + vm + " is READY, but template ids don't match, let the planner reassign a new pool");

                        StoragePool pool = (StoragePool)dataStoreMgr.getPrimaryDataStore(vol.getPoolId());
                        if (!pool.isInMaintenance()) {
                            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                s_logger.debug("Root volume is ready, need to place VM in volume's cluster");
                            long rootVolDcId = pool.getDataCenterId();
                            Long rootVolPodId = pool.getPodId();
                            Long rootVolClusterId = pool.getClusterId();
                            if (planToDeploy != null && planToDeploy.getDataCenterId() != 0) {
                                Long clusterIdSpecified = planToDeploy.getClusterId();
                                if (clusterIdSpecified != null && rootVolClusterId != null) {
                                    if (rootVolClusterId.longValue() != clusterIdSpecified.longValue()) {
                                        // cannot satisfy the plan passed in to the
                                        // planner
                                        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                            s_logger.debug("Cannot satisfy the deployment plan passed in since the ready Root volume is in different cluster. volume's cluster: " +
                                                    rootVolClusterId + ", cluster specified: " + clusterIdSpecified);
                                        throw new ResourceUnavailableException(
                                                "Root volume is ready in different cluster, Deployment plan provided cannot be satisfied, unable to create a deployment for " + vm,
                                                Cluster.class, clusterIdSpecified);
                                plan = new DataCenterDeployment(planToDeploy.getDataCenterId(), planToDeploy.getPodId(), planToDeploy.getClusterId(), planToDeploy.getHostId(),
                                        vol.getPoolId(), null, ctx);
                            } else {
                                plan = new DataCenterDeployment(rootVolDcId, rootVolPodId, rootVolClusterId, null, vol.getPoolId(), null, ctx);
                                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    s_logger.debug(vol + " is READY, changing deployment plan to use this pool's dcId: " + rootVolDcId + " , podId: " + rootVolPodId +
                                            " , and clusterId: " + rootVolClusterId);
                                planChangedByVolume = true;

                Account owner = _entityMgr.findById(Account.class, vm.getAccountId());
                VirtualMachineProfileImpl vmProfile = new VirtualMachineProfileImpl(vm, template, offering, owner, params);
                DeployDestination dest = null;
                try {
                    dest = _dpMgr.planDeployment(vmProfile, plan, avoids, planner);
                } catch (AffinityConflictException e2) {
                    s_logger.warn("Unable to create deployment, affinity rules associted to the VM conflict", e2);
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to create deployment, affinity rules associted to the VM conflict");


                if (dest == null) {
                    if (planChangedByVolume) {
                        plan = originalPlan;
                        planChangedByVolume = false;
                        //do not enter volume reuse for next retry, since we want to look for resorces outside the volume's cluster
                        reuseVolume = false;
                    throw new InsufficientServerCapacityException("Unable to create a deployment for " + vmProfile, DataCenter.class, plan.getDataCenterId(),

                if (dest != null) {
                    journal.record("Deployment found ", vmProfile, dest);

                long destHostId = dest.getHost().getId();
                Long cluster_id = dest.getCluster().getId();
                ClusterDetailsVO cluster_detail_cpu = _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(cluster_id, "cpuOvercommitRatio");
                ClusterDetailsVO cluster_detail_ram = _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(cluster_id, "memoryOvercommitRatio");
                //storing the value of overcommit in the vm_details table for doing a capacity check in case the cluster overcommit ratio is changed.
                if (_uservmDetailsDao.findDetail(vm.getId(), "cpuOvercommitRatio") == null &&
                        ((Float.parseFloat(cluster_detail_cpu.getValue()) > 1f || Float.parseFloat(cluster_detail_ram.getValue()) > 1f))) {
                    _uservmDetailsDao.addDetail(vm.getId(), "cpuOvercommitRatio", cluster_detail_cpu.getValue());
                    _uservmDetailsDao.addDetail(vm.getId(), "memoryOvercommitRatio", cluster_detail_ram.getValue());
                } else if (_uservmDetailsDao.findDetail(vm.getId(), "cpuOvercommitRatio") != null) {
                    _uservmDetailsDao.addDetail(vm.getId(), "cpuOvercommitRatio", cluster_detail_cpu.getValue());
                    _uservmDetailsDao.addDetail(vm.getId(), "memoryOvercommitRatio", cluster_detail_ram.getValue());
                StartAnswer startAnswer = null;

                try {
                    if (!changeState(vm, Event.OperationRetry, destHostId, work, Step.Prepare)) {
                        throw new ConcurrentOperationException("Unable to update the state of the Virtual Machine");
                } catch (NoTransitionException e1) {
                    throw new ConcurrentOperationException(e1.getMessage());

                try {
                    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        s_logger.debug("VM is being created in podId: " + vm.getPodIdToDeployIn());
                    _networkMgr.prepare(vmProfile, dest, ctx);
                    if (vm.getHypervisorType() != HypervisorType.BareMetal) {
                        volumeMgr.prepare(vmProfile, dest);
                    //since StorageMgr succeeded in volume creation, reuse Volume for further tries until current cluster has capacity
                    if (!reuseVolume) {
                        reuseVolume = true;

                    Commands cmds = null;
                    vmGuru.finalizeVirtualMachineProfile(vmProfile, dest, ctx);

                    VirtualMachineTO vmTO = hvGuru.implement(vmProfile);

                    handlePath(vmTO.getDisks(), vm.getHypervisorType());

                    cmds = new Commands(Command.OnError.Stop);
                    cmds.addCommand(new StartCommand(vmTO, dest.getHost(), getExecuteInSequence(vm.getHypervisorType())));
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            alertType = AlertManager.AlertType.ALERT_TYPE_CONSOLE_PROXY_MIGRATE;

        _networkMgr.prepareNicForMigration(profile, destination);
        volumeMgr.prepareForMigration(profile, destination);
        HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vm.getHypervisorType());
        VirtualMachineTO to = hvGuru.implement(profile);

        ItWorkVO work = new ItWorkVO(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), _nodeId, State.Migrating, vm.getType(), vm.getId());
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    public VirtualMachineTO toVmTO(VirtualMachineProfile profile) {
        HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(profile.getVirtualMachine().getHypervisorType());
        VirtualMachineTO to = hvGuru.implement(profile);
        return to;
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            if (info == null) {
                info = new AgentVmInfo(vm.getInstanceName(), vm, State.Stopped);

            HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vm.getHypervisorType());
            Command command = compareState(hostId, vm, info, true, hvGuru.trackVmHostChange());
            if (command != null) {

        for (final AgentVmInfo left : infos.values()) {
            boolean found = false;
            VMInstanceVO vm = _vmDao.findVMByInstanceName(;
            if (vm != null) {
                found = true;
                HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vm.getHypervisorType());
                if (hvGuru.trackVmHostChange()) {
                    Command command = compareState(hostId, vm, left, true, true);
                    if (command != null) {
                } else {
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            VMInstanceVO vm = info.vm;

            Command command = null;
            if (vm != null) {
                HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vm.getHypervisorType());
                command = compareState(hostId, vm, info, false, hvGuru.trackVmHostChange());
            } else {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("Cleaning up a VM that is no longer found: " +;
                command = cleanup(;
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            Command command = null;
            if (vm != null) {
                Host host = _resourceMgr.findHostByGuid(info.getHostUuid());
                long hId = host.getId();

                HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vm.getHypervisorType());
                command = compareState(hId, vm, info, false, hvGuru.trackVmHostChange());
            } else {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("Cleaning up a VM that is no longer found <deltaSync>: " +;
                command = cleanup(;
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