public <T extends VMInstanceVO> T migrate(T vm, long srcHostId, DeployDestination dest) throws ResourceUnavailableException, ConcurrentOperationException, ManagementServerException,
VirtualMachineMigrationException {"Migrating " + vm + " to " + dest);
long dstHostId = dest.getHost().getId();
Host fromHost = _hostDao.findById(srcHostId);
if (fromHost == null) {"Unable to find the host to migrate from: " + srcHostId);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find the host to migrate from: " + srcHostId);
if (fromHost.getClusterId().longValue() != dest.getCluster().getId()) {
// This scenario is valid only if all the volumes of VM being migrated are on zone wide storage pools
boolean vmOnZoneWideStoragePool = true;
List<VolumeVO> vmVolumes = _volsDao.findUsableVolumesForInstance(vm.getId());
for (VolumeVO volume : vmVolumes) {
StoragePoolVO pool = _storagePoolDao.findById(volume.getPoolId());
if (pool.getScope() != ScopeType.ZONE) {
vmOnZoneWideStoragePool = false;
// If there is no common storage across the clusters then migration attempt should fail.
if (!vmOnZoneWideStoragePool) {"Source and destination host are not in same cluster, unable to migrate to host: " + dest.getHost().getId());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Source and destination host are not in same cluster, unable to migrate to host: " + dest.getHost().getId());
VirtualMachineGuru<T> vmGuru = getVmGuru(vm);
long vmId = vm.getId();
vm = vmGuru.findById(vmId);
if (vm == null) {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Unable to find the vm " + vm);
throw new ManagementServerException("Unable to find a virtual machine with id " + vmId);
if (vm.getState() != State.Running) {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("VM is not Running, unable to migrate the vm " + vm);
throw new VirtualMachineMigrationException("VM is not Running, unable to migrate the vm currently " + vm + " , current state: " + vm.getState().toString());
short alertType = AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USERVM_MIGRATE;
if (VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter.equals(vm.getType())) {
} else if (VirtualMachine.Type.ConsoleProxy.equals(vm.getType())) {
VirtualMachineProfile<VMInstanceVO> vmSrc = new VirtualMachineProfileImpl<VMInstanceVO>(vm);
for(NicProfile nic: _networkMgr.getNicProfiles(vm)){
VirtualMachineProfile<VMInstanceVO> profile = new VirtualMachineProfileImpl<VMInstanceVO>(vm);
if(vm.getType().equals(VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter) && vm.getHypervisorType().equals(HypervisorType.KVM)){
//Include nics hot plugged and not stored in DB
_networkMgr.prepareAllNicsForMigration(profile, dest);
} else {
_networkMgr.prepareNicForMigration(profile, dest);
volumeMgr.prepareForMigration(profile, dest);
VirtualMachineTO to = toVmTO(profile);
PrepareForMigrationCommand pfmc = new PrepareForMigrationCommand(to);
ItWorkVO work = new ItWorkVO(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), _nodeId, State.Migrating, vm.getType(), vm.getId());
work = _workDao.persist(work);
PrepareForMigrationAnswer pfma = null;
try {
pfma = (PrepareForMigrationAnswer) _agentMgr.send(dstHostId, pfmc);
if (!pfma.getResult()) {
String msg = "Unable to prepare for migration due to " + pfma.getDetails();
pfma = null;
throw new AgentUnavailableException(msg, dstHostId);
} catch (OperationTimedoutException e1) {
throw new AgentUnavailableException("Operation timed out", dstHostId);
} finally {
if (pfma == null) {
_networkMgr.rollbackNicForMigration(vmSrc, profile);
_workDao.update(work.getId(), work);
try {
if (vm == null || vm.getHostId() == null || vm.getHostId() != srcHostId || !changeState(vm, Event.MigrationRequested, dstHostId, work, Step.Migrating)) {
_networkMgr.rollbackNicForMigration(vmSrc, profile);"Migration cancelled because state has changed: " + vm);
throw new ConcurrentOperationException("Migration cancelled because state has changed: " + vm);
} catch (NoTransitionException e1) {
_networkMgr.rollbackNicForMigration(vmSrc, profile);"Migration cancelled because " + e1.getMessage());
throw new ConcurrentOperationException("Migration cancelled because " + e1.getMessage());
boolean migrated = false;
try {
boolean isWindows = _guestOsCategoryDao.findById(_guestOsDao.findById(vm.getGuestOSId()).getCategoryId()).getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Windows");
MigrateCommand mc = new MigrateCommand(vm.getInstanceName(), dest.getHost().getPrivateIpAddress(), isWindows);
try {
MigrateAnswer ma = (MigrateAnswer) _agentMgr.send(vm.getLastHostId(), mc);
if (!ma.getResult()) {
s_logger.error("Unable to migrate due to " + ma.getDetails());
return null;
} catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
if (e.isActive()) {
s_logger.warn("Active migration command so scheduling a restart for " + vm);
_haMgr.scheduleRestart(vm, true);
throw new AgentUnavailableException("Operation timed out on migrating " + vm, dstHostId);
try {
if (!changeState(vm, VirtualMachine.Event.OperationSucceeded, dstHostId, work, Step.Started)) {
throw new ConcurrentOperationException("Unable to change the state for " + vm);
} catch (NoTransitionException e1) {
throw new ConcurrentOperationException("Unable to change state due to " + e1.getMessage());
try {
if (!checkVmOnHost(vm, dstHostId)) {
s_logger.error("Unable to complete migration for " + vm);
try {
_agentMgr.send(srcHostId, new Commands(cleanup(vm)), null);
} catch (AgentUnavailableException e) {
s_logger.error("AgentUnavailableException while cleanup on source host: " + srcHostId);
cleanup(vmGuru, new VirtualMachineProfileImpl<T>(vm), work, Event.AgentReportStopped, true, _accountMgr.getSystemUser(), _accountMgr.getSystemAccount());
return null;
} catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
migrated = true;
return vm;
} finally {
if (!migrated) {"Migration was unsuccessful. Cleaning up: " + vm);
_networkMgr.rollbackNicForMigration(vmSrc, profile);
_alertMgr.sendAlert(alertType, fromHost.getDataCenterId(), fromHost.getPodId(), "Unable to migrate vm " + vm.getInstanceName() + " from host " + fromHost.getName() + " in zone "
+ dest.getDataCenter().getName() + " and pod " + dest.getPod().getName(), "Migrate Command failed. Please check logs.");
try {
_agentMgr.send(dstHostId, new Commands(cleanup(vm)), null);
} catch (AgentUnavailableException ae) {"Looks like the destination Host is unavailable for cleanup");