private boolean collectDirectNetworkUsage(final HostVO host){
s_logger.debug("Direct Network Usage stats collector is running...");
final long zoneId = host.getDataCenterId();
final DetailVO lastCollectDetail = _detailsDao.findDetail(host.getId(),"last_collection");
if(lastCollectDetail == null){
s_logger.warn("Last collection time not available. Skipping direct usage collection for Traffic Monitor: "+host.getId());
return false;
Date lastCollection = new Date(new Long(lastCollectDetail.getValue()));
//Get list of IPs currently allocated
List<IPAddressVO> allocatedIps = listAllocatedDirectIps(zoneId);
Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
// Allow 2 hours for traffic sentinel to populate historical traffic
// This coule be made configurable
rightNow.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -2);
final Date now = rightNow.getTime();
s_logger.debug("Current time is less than 2 hours after last collection time : " + lastCollection.toString() + ". Skipping direct network usage collection");
return false;
//Get IP Assign/Release events from lastCollection time till now
List<UsageEventVO> IpEvents = _eventDao.listDirectIpEvents(lastCollection, now, zoneId);
Map<String, Date> ipAssigment = new HashMap<String, Date>();
List<UsageIPAddressVO> IpPartialUsage = new ArrayList<UsageIPAddressVO>(); //Ips which were allocated only for the part of collection duration
List<UsageIPAddressVO> fullDurationIpUsage = new ArrayList<UsageIPAddressVO>(); //Ips which were allocated only for the entire collection duration
// Use UsageEvents to track the IP assignment
// Add them to IpUsage list with account_id , ip_address, alloc_date, release_date
for (UsageEventVO IpEvent : IpEvents){
String address = IpEvent.getResourceName();
ipAssigment.put(address, IpEvent.getCreateDate());
} else if(EventTypes.EVENT_NET_IP_RELEASE.equals(IpEvent.getType())) {
Date assigned = ipAssigment.get(address);
IpPartialUsage.add(new UsageIPAddressVO(IpEvent.getAccountId(), address, assigned, IpEvent.getCreateDate()));
} else{
// Ip was assigned prior to lastCollection Date
IpPartialUsage.add(new UsageIPAddressVO(IpEvent.getAccountId(), address, lastCollection, IpEvent.getCreateDate()));
List<String> IpList = new ArrayList<String>() ;
for(IPAddressVO ip : allocatedIps){
if(ip.getAllocatedToAccountId() == AccountVO.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM){
//Ignore usage for system account
String address = (ip.getAddress()).toString();
// Ip was assigned during the current period but not release till Date now
IpPartialUsage.add(new UsageIPAddressVO(ip.getAllocatedToAccountId(), address, ipAssigment.get(address), now));
} else {
// Ip was not assigned or released during current period. Consider entire duration for usage calculation (lastCollection to now)
fullDurationIpUsage.add(new UsageIPAddressVO(ip.getAllocatedToAccountId(), address, lastCollection, now));
//Store just the Ips to send the list as part of DirectNetworkUsageCommand
final List<UserStatisticsVO> collectedStats = new ArrayList<UserStatisticsVO>();
//Get usage for Ips which were assigned for the entire duration
if(fullDurationIpUsage.size() > 0){
DirectNetworkUsageCommand cmd = new DirectNetworkUsageCommand(IpList, lastCollection, now, _TSinclZones, _TSexclZones);
DirectNetworkUsageAnswer answer = (DirectNetworkUsageAnswer) _agentMgr.easySend(host.getId(), cmd);
if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
String details = (answer != null) ? answer.getDetails() : "details unavailable";
String msg = "Unable to get network usage stats from " + host.getId() + " due to: " + details + ".";
return false;
} else {
for(UsageIPAddressVO usageIp : fullDurationIpUsage){
String publicIp = usageIp.getAddress();
long[] bytesSentRcvd = answer.get(publicIp);
Long bytesSent = bytesSentRcvd[0];
Long bytesRcvd = bytesSentRcvd[1];
if(bytesSent == null || bytesRcvd == null){
s_logger.debug("Incorrect bytes for IP: "+publicIp);
if(bytesSent == 0L && bytesRcvd == 0L){
s_logger.trace("Ignore zero bytes for IP: "+publicIp);
UserStatisticsVO stats = new UserStatisticsVO(usageIp.getAccountId(), zoneId, null, null, null, null);
//Get usage for Ips which were assigned for part of the duration period
for(UsageIPAddressVO usageIp : IpPartialUsage){
IpList = new ArrayList<String>() ;
DirectNetworkUsageCommand cmd = new DirectNetworkUsageCommand(IpList, usageIp.getAssigned(), usageIp.getReleased(), _TSinclZones, _TSexclZones);
DirectNetworkUsageAnswer answer = (DirectNetworkUsageAnswer) _agentMgr.easySend(host.getId(), cmd);
if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
String details = (answer != null) ? answer.getDetails() : "details unavailable";
String msg = "Unable to get network usage stats from " + host.getId() + " due to: " + details + ".";
return false;
} else {
String publicIp = usageIp.getAddress();
long[] bytesSentRcvd = answer.get(publicIp);
Long bytesSent = bytesSentRcvd[0];
Long bytesRcvd = bytesSentRcvd[1];
if(bytesSent == null || bytesRcvd == null){
s_logger.debug("Incorrect bytes for IP: "+publicIp);
if(bytesSent == 0L && bytesRcvd == 0L){
s_logger.trace("Ignore zero bytes for IP: "+publicIp);
UserStatisticsVO stats = new UserStatisticsVO(usageIp.getAccountId(), zoneId, null, null, null, null);
if(collectedStats.size() == 0){
s_logger.debug("No new direct network stats. No need to persist");
return false;
//Persist all the stats and last_collection time in a single transaction
Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
for(UserStatisticsVO stat : collectedStats){
UserStatisticsVO stats = _statsDao.lock(stat.getAccountId(), stat.getDataCenterId(), 0L, null, host.getId(), "DirectNetwork");
if (stats == null) {
stats = new UserStatisticsVO(stat.getAccountId(), zoneId, null, host.getId(), "DirectNetwork", 0L);
} else {
stats.setCurrentBytesSent(stats.getCurrentBytesSent() + stat.getCurrentBytesSent());
stats.setCurrentBytesReceived(stats.getCurrentBytesReceived() + stat.getCurrentBytesReceived());
_statsDao.update(stats.getId(), stats);
_detailsDao.update(lastCollectDetail.getId(), lastCollectDetail);
return true;