checkAccountAndDomain(accountId, domainId);
final DataCenterVO dc = _zoneDao.findById(zoneId);
if (dc == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find zone by id " + zoneId);
} else {
DedicatedResourceVO dedicatedZone = _dedicatedDao.findByZoneId(zoneId);
//check if zone is dedicated
if (dedicatedZone != null) {
s_logger.error("Zone " + dc.getName() + " is already dedicated");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Zone " + dc.getName() + " is already dedicated");
//check if any resource under this zone is dedicated to different account or sub-domain
List<HostPodVO> pods = _podDao.listByDataCenterId(dc.getId());
List<DedicatedResourceVO> podsToRelease = new ArrayList<DedicatedResourceVO>();
List<DedicatedResourceVO> clustersToRelease = new ArrayList<DedicatedResourceVO>();
List<DedicatedResourceVO> hostsToRelease = new ArrayList<DedicatedResourceVO>();
for (HostPodVO pod : pods) {
DedicatedResourceVO dPod = _dedicatedDao.findByPodId(pod.getId());
if (dPod != null) {
if (!(childDomainIds.contains(dPod.getDomainId()))) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Pod " + pod.getName() + " under this Zone " + dc.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
if (accountId != null) {
if (dPod.getAccountId().equals(accountId)) {
} else {
s_logger.error("Pod " + pod.getName() + " under this Zone " + dc.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Pod " + pod.getName() + " under this Zone " + dc.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
} else {
if (dPod.getAccountId() == null && dPod.getDomainId().equals(domainId)) {
for (DedicatedResourceVO dr : podsToRelease) {
releaseDedicatedResource(null, dr.getPodId(), null, null);
List<ClusterVO> clusters = _clusterDao.listClustersByDcId(dc.getId());
for (ClusterVO cluster : clusters) {
DedicatedResourceVO dCluster = _dedicatedDao.findByClusterId(cluster.getId());
if (dCluster != null) {
if (!(childDomainIds.contains(dCluster.getDomainId()))) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cluster " + cluster.getName() + " under this Zone " + dc.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
if (accountId != null) {
if (dCluster.getAccountId().equals(accountId)) {
} else {
s_logger.error("Cluster " + cluster.getName() + " under this Zone " + dc.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cluster " + cluster.getName() + " under this Zone " + dc.getName() +
" is dedicated to different account/domain");
} else {
if (dCluster.getAccountId() == null && dCluster.getDomainId().equals(domainId)) {
for (DedicatedResourceVO dr : clustersToRelease) {
releaseDedicatedResource(null, null, dr.getClusterId(), null);
hosts = _hostDao.listByDataCenterId(dc.getId());
for (HostVO host : hosts) {
DedicatedResourceVO dHost = _dedicatedDao.findByHostId(host.getId());
if (dHost != null) {
if (!(childDomainIds.contains(dHost.getDomainId()))) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Host " + host.getName() + " under this Zone " + dc.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
if (accountId != null) {
if (dHost.getAccountId().equals(accountId)) {
} else {
s_logger.error("Host " + host.getName() + " under this Zone " + dc.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Host " + host.getName() + " under this Zone " + dc.getName() + " is dedicated to different account/domain");
} else {
if (dHost.getAccountId() == null && dHost.getDomainId().equals(domainId)) {
for (DedicatedResourceVO dr : hostsToRelease) {
releaseDedicatedResource(null, null, null, dr.getHostId());
checkHostsSuitabilityForExplicitDedication(accountId, childDomainIds, hosts);
final Long accountIdFinal = accountId;
return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<List<DedicatedResourceVO>>() {
public List<DedicatedResourceVO> doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
// find or create the affinity group by name under this account/domain
AffinityGroup group = findOrCreateDedicatedAffinityGroup(domainId, accountIdFinal);
if (group == null) {
s_logger.error("Unable to dedicate zone due to, failed to create dedication affinity group");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to dedicate zone. Please contact Cloud Support.");
DedicatedResourceVO dedicatedResource = new DedicatedResourceVO(zoneId, null, null, null, null, null, group.getId());
try {
if (accountIdFinal != null) {
dedicatedResource = _dedicatedDao.persist(dedicatedResource);
// save the domainId in the zone