} else {
List<DataCenterVnetVO> dcVnets = _datacenterVnetDao.findVnet(zoneId, vlanId.toString());
//for the network that is created as part of private gateway,
//the vnet is not coming from the data center vnet table, so the list can be empty
if (!dcVnets.isEmpty()) {
DataCenterVnetVO dcVnet = dcVnets.get(0);
// Fail network creation if specified vlan is dedicated to a different account
if (dcVnet.getAccountGuestVlanMapId() != null) {
Long accountGuestVlanMapId = dcVnet.getAccountGuestVlanMapId();
AccountGuestVlanMapVO map = _accountGuestVlanMapDao.findById(accountGuestVlanMapId);
if (map.getAccountId() != owner.getAccountId()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vlan " + vlanId + " is dedicated to a different account");
// Fail network creation if owner has a dedicated range of vlans but the specified vlan belongs to the system pool