String[] groupName = request.getParameterValues( "GroupName" );
if ( null != groupName && 0 < groupName.length )
EC2request.setName( groupName[0] );
else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.MissingParamter, "Missing required parameter 'Groupname'");
// -> not clear how many parameters there are until we fail to get IpPermissions.n.IpProtocol
int nCount = 1;
{ EC2IpPermission perm = new EC2IpPermission();
String[] protocol = request.getParameterValues( "IpPermissions." + nCount + ".IpProtocol" );
if ( null != protocol && 0 < protocol.length )
perm.setProtocol( protocol[0] );
else break;
String[] fromPort = request.getParameterValues( "IpPermissions." + nCount + ".FromPort" );
if ( null != fromPort && 0 < fromPort.length ) {
if ( protocol[0].equalsIgnoreCase("icmp") )
perm.setIcmpType( fromPort[0] ) ;
perm.setFromPort( Integer.parseInt( fromPort[0]) );
String[] toPort = request.getParameterValues( "IpPermissions." + nCount + ".ToPort" );
if ( null != toPort && 0 < toPort.length ) {
if ( protocol[0].equalsIgnoreCase("icmp") )
perm.setIcmpCode( toPort[0] );
perm.setToPort( Integer.parseInt( toPort[0]) );
// -> list: IpPermissions.n.IpRanges.m.CidrIp
int mCount = 1;
{ String[] ranges = request.getParameterValues( "IpPermissions." + nCount + ".IpRanges." + mCount + ".CidrIp" );
if ( null != ranges && 0 < ranges.length)
perm.addIpRange( ranges[0] );
else break;
} while( true );
// -> list: IpPermissions.n.Groups.m.UserId and IpPermissions.n.Groups.m.GroupName
mCount = 1;
{ String[] user = request.getParameterValues( "IpPermissions." + nCount + ".Groups." + mCount + ".UserId" );
if ( null == user || 0 == user.length) break;
String[] name = request.getParameterValues( "IpPermissions." + nCount + ".Groups." + mCount + ".GroupName" );
if ( null == name || 0 == name.length) break;
EC2SecurityGroup group = new EC2SecurityGroup();
group.setAccount( user[0] );
group.setName( name[0] );
perm.addUser( group );
} while( true );
// -> multiple IP permissions can be specified per group name
EC2request.addIpPermission( perm );
} while( true );
if (1 == nCount) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.MissingParamter, "Missing required parameter - IpPermissions");
// -> execute the request
AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse EC2response = EC2SoapServiceImpl.toAuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse(
ServiceProvider.getInstance().getEC2Engine().authorizeSecurityGroup( EC2request ));