String errorMessage = error[0];
if (error.length == 2) { // error code has been supplied
int errorCode = Integer.parseInt(error[1]);
if (errorCode == 431) {
if ( errorMessage.contains("Object vm_instance(uuid:") && errorMessage.contains(") does not exist") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidInstanceID_NotFound,
"Specified Instance ID does not exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Unable to find security group by name") ||
errorMessage.contains("Unable to find security group") ||
( errorMessage.contains("Object security_group(uuid:") && errorMessage.contains(") does not exist") ) ||
errorMessage.contains("Unable to find group by name ") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidGroup_NotFound,
"Specified Security Group does not exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Invalid port numbers") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidPermission_Malformed,
"Specified Port value is invalid");
} else if (errorMessage.contains("Nonexistent account") && errorMessage.contains("when trying to authorize security group rule for security group") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidPermission_Malformed,
"Specified account doesn't exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Nonexistent group") && errorMessage.contains("unable to authorize security group rule") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidPermission_Malformed,
"Specified source security group doesn't exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Invalid protocol") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidPermission_Malformed,
"Specified protocol is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("is an Invalid CIDR") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidPermission_Malformed,
"Specified CIDR is invalid");
}else if ( errorMessage.contains("Nonexistent account") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"Specified Account name is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Object volumes(uuid:") && errorMessage.contains(") does not exist") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidVolume_NotFound,
"Specified Volume ID doesn't exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Object snapshots(uuid:") && errorMessage.contains(") does not exist") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidSnapshot_NotFound,
"Specified Snapshot ID doesn't exist");
} else if ( (errorMessage.contains("A key pair with name '") && errorMessage.contains("' does not exist")) ||
(errorMessage.contains("A key pair with name '") && errorMessage.contains("' was not found")) ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidKeyPair_NotFound,
"Specified Key pair name is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("A key pair with name '") && errorMessage.contains("' already exists") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidKeyPair_Duplicate,
"Specified Key pair already exists");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Unknown zoneName value") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidZone_NotFound,
"Specified AvailabilityZone name is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("specify a volume that is not attached to any VM") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.DependencyViolation,
"Specified Volume is attached to a VM");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Object vm_template(uuid: ")&& errorMessage.contains(") does not exist") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidAMIID_NotFound,
"Specified Image ID does not exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("unable to find template by id") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidAMIID_NotFound,
"Specified Image ID does not exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("a group with name") && errorMessage.contains("already exists") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidGroup_Duplicate,
"Specified Security Group already exists");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("specified volume is not attached to a VM") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.IncorrectState,
"Specified volume is not in the correct state 'attached' for detachment");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Snapshot with specified snapshotId is not in BackedUp state yet and can't be used for volume creation") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.IncorrectState,
"Specified snapshot is not in the correct state 'completed' for volume creation");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Can't delete snapshotshot 4 due to it is not in BackedUp Status") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.IncorrectState,
"Specified snapshot is not in the correct state 'completed' for deletion");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Public key is invalid") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidKeyPair_Format,
"Format of the specified key is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Invalid resource type") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"Specified resourceId is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Unable to find tags by parameters specified") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"Specified resourceTag for the specified resourceId doesn't exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Failed to enable static nat for the ip address with specified ipId " +
"as vm with specified vmId is already associated with specified currentIp") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"Specified publicIp is already associated to the specified VM");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Specified IP address id is not associated with any vm Id") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"Specified publicIp is not associated to any VM");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("specify a VM that is either running or stopped") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.IncorrectInstanceState,
"Unable to attach. Specified instances is in an incorrect state");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("specify a valid data volume") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidVolume_NotFound,
"Specified volume doen't exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("VolumeId is not in Ready state, but in state Allocated. Cannot take snapshot") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.IncorrectState,
"Cannot take snapshot. Specified volume is not in the correct state");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Can't delete snapshot") && errorMessage.contains("it is not in BackedUp Status") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.IncorrectState,
"Cannot delete snapshot. Specified snapshot is not in the correct state");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Invalid port range") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidPermission_Malformed,
"The specified port range is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("specify a valid User VM") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidInstanceID_NotFound,
"Specified instance is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("No password for VM with specified id found") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"No password for VM with the specified id found");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("make sure the virtual machine is stopped and not in an error state before upgrading") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.IncorrectInstanceState,
"Unable to modify. Specified instances is not in the correct state 'Stopped'");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Not upgrading vm") && errorMessage.contains("it already has the" +
" requested service offering") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"Unable to modify. Specified instance already has the requested instanceType");
// Can't enable static, ip address with specified id is a sourceNat ip address ?
else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"The value supplied for a parameter is invalid");
else if (errorCode == 536) {
if ( errorMessage.contains("Cannot delete group when it's in use by virtual machines") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidGroup_InUse,
"Group is in use by a virtual machine");
} else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.DependencyViolation,
"Specified resource is in use");
else if (errorCode == 531) {
if ( errorMessage.contains("Acct") && errorMessage.contains("does not have permission to launch" +
" instances from Tmpl") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.AuthFailure,
"User not authorized to operate on the specified AMI");
} else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.AuthFailure, "User not authorized");
else if (errorCode == 530) {
if ( errorMessage.contains("deviceId") && errorMessage.contains("is used by VM") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidDevice_InUse,
"Specified Device is already being used by the VM");
} else if (errorMessage.contains("Entity already exists") ){
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"Specified resource tag already exists");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Template") && errorMessage.contains("has not been completely downloaded") ){
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidAMIID_NotFound,
"Specified ImageId is unavailable");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("cannot stop VM") && errorMessage.contains("when it is in state Starting") ){
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.IncorrectInstanceState,
"Unable to stop. One or more of the specified instances is in an incorrect state 'pending'");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Failed to authorize security group ingress rule(s)") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidParameterValue, "Specified Ip-permission is invalid" +
" or the Ip-permission already exists");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Failed to reboot vm instance") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.IncorrectInstanceState,
"Unable to reboot. One or more of the specified instances is in an incorrect state");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("specify a template that is not currently being downloaded") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.IncorrectState,
"Unable to deregister. Image is not in the correct state 'available'");
} else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ServerError.InternalError, "An unexpected error occured");
else if (errorCode == 534) {
if ( errorMessage.contains("Maximum number of resources of type 'volume' for account")
&& errorMessage.contains("has been exceeded") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.VolumeLimitExceeded,
"You have reached the limit on the number of volumes that can be created");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Maximum number of resources of type 'public_ip' for account")
&& errorMessage.contains("has been exceeded") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.AddressLimitExceeded,
"You have reached the limit on the number of elastic ip addresses your account can have");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Unable to apply save userdata entry on router") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"The value supplied for parameter UserData is invalid");
} else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ServerError.InternalError, "An unexpected error occured");
else if (errorCode == 533) {
if ( errorMessage.contains("Unable to create a deployment for VM") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InsufficientInstanceCapacity,
"There is insufficient capacity available to deploy a VM");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Insufficient address capacity") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ServerError.InsufficientAddressCapacity,
"Not enough available addresses to satisfy your minimum request");
} else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ServerError.InternalError, "There is insufficient capacity");
} else if (errorCode == 401) {
if ( errorMessage.contains("Unauthorized") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.AuthFailure, "User not authorised");
} else {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.AuthFailure, "User not authorised");
} else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ServerError.InternalError, "An unexpected error occured");
} else {
if ( errorMessage.contains("Unknown zoneName value") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidZone_NotFound,
"AvailabilityZone name is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("No ServiceOffering found to be defined by name") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidParameterValue, "Specified InstanceType is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Specified Ip permission is invalid") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidPermission_Malformed, "Specified Ip permission is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("One or more instanceIds do not exist, other instances rebooted") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidInstanceID_NotFound,
"One or more InstanceId doesn't exist, other instances rebooted");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Device is not supported") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"Value specified for parameter Device is invalid");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Volume is not attached to the Instance") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidAttachment_NotFound,
"Specified Volume is not attached to the specified Instance");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Volume is not attached to the Device") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidAttachment_NotFound,
"Specified Volume is not attached to the specified device");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Unable to create snapshot") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ServerError.InternalError,
"Unable to create snapshot");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Instance must be in stopped state") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.IncorrectInstanceState,
"Specified instance is not in the correct state 'stopped'");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Image couldn't be created") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ServerError.InternalError,
"Unable to create image");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Failed to start the stopped instance") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ServerError.InternalError,
"Unable to start the instance that was stopped during image creation");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("One or more of instanceIds specified is in stopped state") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.IncorrectInstanceState,
"Unable to reboot. One or more of the specified instances is in an incorrect state 'stopped'");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Specified ipAddress doesn't exist") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidParameterValue, "Specified publicIp doesn't exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Min Count is greater than the number of instances left to allocate") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InstanceLimitExceeded,
"Specified MinCount parameter is greater than the number of instances you can create");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("instanceType not found") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidParameterValue,
"Specified instanceType not found");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("zone not found") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidZone_NotFound,
"Specified zone doesn't exist");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Both groupId and groupName has been specified") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidParameterCombination,
" for EC2 groups either a group ID or a group name is accepted");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Insufficient Instance Capacity") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ServerError.InsufficientInstanceCapacity, "Insufficient Instance Capacity" );
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Unable to find security group name") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidGroup_NotFound, "Specified Security Group does not exist" );
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Instance not found") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.InvalidInstanceID_NotFound,
"One or more of the specified instanceId not found");
} else if ( errorMessage.contains("Cannot modify, instance should be in stopped state") ) {
throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.IncorrectInstanceState,
"Unable to modify instance attribute. Specified instance is not in the correct state 'stopped'");
} else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ServerError.InternalError, "An unexpected error occured");