private void executeCopyObject(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String copy)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
S3CopyObjectRequest engineRequest = new S3CopyObjectRequest();
String versionId = null;
String bucketName = (String)request.getAttribute(S3Constants.BUCKET_ATTR_KEY);
String key = (String)request.getAttribute(S3Constants.OBJECT_ATTR_KEY);
String sourceBucketName = null;
String sourceKey = null;
// [A] Parse the x-amz-copy-source header into usable pieces
// Check to find a ?versionId= value if any
int index = copy.indexOf( '?' );
if (-1 != index)
versionId = copy.substring( index+1 );
if (versionId.startsWith( "versionId=" )) engineRequest.setVersion( versionId.substring( 10 ));
copy = copy.substring( 0, index );
// The value of copy should look like: "bucket-name/object-name"
index = copy.indexOf( '/' );
// In case it looks like "/bucket-name/object-name" discard a leading '/' if it exists
if ( 0 == index )
copy = copy.substring(1);
index = copy.indexOf( '/' );
if ( -1 == index )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid x-amz-copy-source header value [" + copy + "]" );
sourceBucketName = copy.substring( 0, index );
sourceKey = copy.substring( index+1 );
// [B] Set the object used in the SOAP request so it can do the bulk of the work for us
engineRequest.setSourceBucketName( sourceBucketName );
engineRequest.setSourceKey( sourceKey );
engineRequest.setDestinationBucketName( bucketName );
engineRequest.setDestinationKey( key );
engineRequest.setDataDirective( request.getHeader( "x-amz-metadata-directive" ));
engineRequest.setMetaEntries( extractMetaData( request ));
engineRequest.setCannedAccess( request.getHeader( "x-amz-acl" ));
engineRequest.setConditions( conditionalRequest( request, true ));
// [C] Do the actual work and return the result
S3CopyObjectResponse engineResponse = ServiceProvider.getInstance().getS3Engine().handleRequest( engineRequest );