
Examples of

        StopInstancesResponse EC2response = EC2SoapServiceImpl.toStopInstancesResponse(ServiceProvider.getInstance().getEC2Engine().stopInstances(EC2request));
        serializeResponse(response, EC2response);

    private void terminateInstances(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ADBException, XMLStreamException, IOException {
        EC2StopInstances EC2request = new EC2StopInstances();
        int count = 0;

        // -> load in all the "InstanceId.n" parameters if any
        Enumeration<?> names = request.getParameterNames();
        while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
            String key = (String)names.nextElement();
            if (key.startsWith("InstanceId")) {
                String[] value = request.getParameterValues(key);
                if (null != value && 0 < value.length) {
        if (0 == count) {
            throw new EC2ServiceException(ClientError.MissingParamter, "Missing required parameter - InstanceId");

        // -> execute the request
        TerminateInstancesResponse EC2response = EC2SoapServiceImpl.toTermInstancesResponse(ServiceProvider.getInstance().getEC2Engine().stopInstances(EC2request));
        serializeResponse(response, EC2response);
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    return toStartInstancesResponse( engine.startInstances( request ));
  public StopInstancesResponse stopInstances(StopInstances stopInstances) {
    EC2StopInstances request = new EC2StopInstances();
    StopInstancesType sit = stopInstances.getStopInstances();
    // -> toEC2StopInstances
    InstanceIdSetType iist  = sit.getInstancesSet();
    InstanceIdType[]  items = iist.getItem();
    if (null != items) {  // -> should not be empty
      for( int i=0; i < items.length; i++ ) request.addInstanceId( items[i].getInstanceId());
    return toStopInstancesResponse( engine.stopInstances( request ));
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   * Mapping this to the destroyVirtualMachine cloud API concept.
   * This makes sense since when considering the rebootInstances function.   In reboot
   * any terminated instances are left alone.   We will do the same with destroyed instances.
  public TerminateInstancesResponse terminateInstances(TerminateInstances terminateInstances) {
    EC2StopInstances request = new EC2StopInstances();
    TerminateInstancesType sit = terminateInstances.getTerminateInstances();
    // -> toEC2StopInstances
    InstanceIdSetType iist  = sit.getInstancesSet();
    InstanceIdType[]  items = iist.getItem();
    if (null != items) {  // -> should not be empty
      for( int i=0; i < items.length; i++ ) request.addInstanceId( items[i].getInstanceId());

    request.setDestroyInstances( true );
    return toTermInstancesResponse( engine.stopInstances( request ));
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        serializeResponse(response, EC2response);

    private void stopInstances( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
        throws ADBException, XMLStreamException, IOException {
      EC2StopInstances EC2request = new EC2StopInstances();
      int count = 0;
      // -> load in all the "InstanceId.n" parameters if any
    Enumeration<?> names = request.getParameterNames();
      while( names.hasMoreElements()) {
        String key = (String)names.nextElement();
        if (key.startsWith("InstanceId")) {
            String[] value = request.getParameterValues( key );
            if (null != value && 0 < value.length) {
              EC2request.addInstanceId( value[0] );
        if (0 == count) { response.sendError(530, "Missing InstanceId parameter" ); return; }
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      serializeResponse(response, EC2response);

    private void terminateInstances( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
        throws ADBException, XMLStreamException, IOException {
        EC2StopInstances EC2request = new EC2StopInstances();
        int count = 0;

        // -> load in all the "InstanceId.n" parameters if any
    Enumeration<?> names = request.getParameterNames();
        while( names.hasMoreElements()) {
          String key = (String)names.nextElement();
          if (key.startsWith("InstanceId")) {
              String[] value = request.getParameterValues( key );
              if (null != value && 0 < value.length) {
                EC2request.addInstanceId( value[0] );
        if (0 == count) { response.sendError(530, "Missing InstanceId parameter" ); return; }

        // -> execute the request
    EC2request.setDestroyInstances( true );
        TerminateInstancesResponse EC2response = EC2SoapServiceImpl.toTermInstancesResponse( ServiceProvider.getInstance().getEC2Engine().stopInstances( EC2request ));
        serializeResponse(response, EC2response);
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        return toStartInstancesResponse(engine.startInstances(request));

    public StopInstancesResponse stopInstances(StopInstances stopInstances) {
        EC2StopInstances request = new EC2StopInstances();
        StopInstancesType sit = stopInstances.getStopInstances();
        Boolean force = sit.getForce();

        // -> toEC2StopInstances
        InstanceIdSetType iist = sit.getInstancesSet();
        InstanceIdType[] items = iist.getItem();
        if (null != items) {  // -> should not be empty
            for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++)

        if (force)
        return toStopInstancesResponse(engine.stopInstances(request));
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     * Mapping this to the destroyVirtualMachine cloud API concept.
     * This makes sense since when considering the rebootInstances function.   In reboot
     * any terminated instances are left alone.   We will do the same with destroyed instances.
    public TerminateInstancesResponse terminateInstances(TerminateInstances terminateInstances) {
        EC2StopInstances request = new EC2StopInstances();
        TerminateInstancesType sit = terminateInstances.getTerminateInstances();

        // -> toEC2StopInstances
        InstanceIdSetType iist = sit.getInstancesSet();
        InstanceIdType[] items = iist.getItem();
        if (null != items) {  // -> should not be empty
            for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++)

        return toTermInstancesResponse(engine.stopInstances(request));
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        serializeResponse(response, EC2response);

    private void stopInstances( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
        throws ADBException, XMLStreamException, IOException {
      EC2StopInstances EC2request = new EC2StopInstances();
      int count = 0;
      // -> load in all the "InstanceId.n" parameters if any
    Enumeration<?> names = request.getParameterNames();
      while( names.hasMoreElements()) {
        String key = (String)names.nextElement();
        if (key.startsWith("InstanceId")) {
            String[] value = request.getParameterValues( key );
            if (null != value && 0 < value.length) {
              EC2request.addInstanceId( value[0] );
        if (0 == count) { response.sendError(530, "Missing InstanceId parameter" ); return; }
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      serializeResponse(response, EC2response);

    private void terminateInstances( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
        throws ADBException, XMLStreamException, IOException {
        EC2StopInstances EC2request = new EC2StopInstances();
        int count = 0;

        // -> load in all the "InstanceId.n" parameters if any
    Enumeration<?> names = request.getParameterNames();
        while( names.hasMoreElements()) {
          String key = (String)names.nextElement();
          if (key.startsWith("InstanceId")) {
              String[] value = request.getParameterValues( key );
              if (null != value && 0 < value.length) {
                EC2request.addInstanceId( value[0] );
        if (0 == count) { response.sendError(530, "Missing InstanceId parameter" ); return; }

        // -> execute the request
    EC2request.setDestroyInstances( true );
        TerminateInstancesResponse EC2response = EC2SoapServiceImpl.toTermInstancesResponse( ServiceProvider.getInstance().getEC2Engine().stopInstances( EC2request ));
        serializeResponse(response, EC2response);
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    return toStartInstancesResponse( engine.startInstances( request ));
  public StopInstancesResponse stopInstances(StopInstances stopInstances) {
    EC2StopInstances request = new EC2StopInstances();
    StopInstancesType sit = stopInstances.getStopInstances();
    // -> toEC2StopInstances
    InstanceIdSetType iist  = sit.getInstancesSet();
    InstanceIdType[]  items = iist.getItem();
    if (null != items) {  // -> should not be empty
      for( int i=0; i < items.length; i++ ) request.addInstanceId( items[i].getInstanceId());
    return toStopInstancesResponse( engine.stopInstances( request ));
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