serializeResponse(response, EC2response);
private void createVolume( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
throws ADBException, XMLStreamException, IOException {
EC2CreateVolume EC2request = new EC2CreateVolume();
String[] zoneName = request.getParameterValues( "AvailabilityZone" );
if ( null != zoneName && 0 < zoneName.length )
EC2request.setZoneName( zoneName[0] );
else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.MissingParamter, "Missing parameter - AvailabilityZone");
String[] size = request.getParameterValues( "Size" );
String[] snapshotId = request.getParameterValues("SnapshotId");
boolean useSnapshot = false;
boolean useSize = false;
if (null != size && 0 < size.length)
useSize = true;
if (snapshotId != null && snapshotId.length != 0)
useSnapshot = true;
if (useSize && !useSnapshot) {
EC2request.setSize( size[0] );
} else if (useSnapshot && !useSize) {
} else if (useSize && useSnapshot) {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.InvalidParameterCombination, "Parameters 'Size' and 'SnapshotId' are mutually exclusive");
} else {
throw new EC2ServiceException( ClientError.MissingParamter, "Parameter 'Size' or 'SnapshotId' has to be specified");