OrderedPair<SHostVO, String> host_storagelocation_pair = getBucketStorageHost(bucket);
S3BucketAdapter bucketAdapter = getStorageHostBucketAdapter(host_storagelocation_pair.getFirst());
try {
MultipartLoadDao uploadDao = new MultipartLoadDao();
OrderedPair<String, String> exists = uploadDao.multipartExits(uploadId);
if (null == exists) {
logger.error("initiateMultipartUpload failed since multipart upload"
+ uploadId + " does not exist");
return 404;
// -> the multipart initiator or bucket owner can do this action by
// default
if (verifyPermission) {
String initiator = uploadDao.getInitiator(uploadId);
if (null == initiator
|| !initiator.equals(UserContext.current()
.getAccessKey())) {
// -> write permission on a bucket allows a PutObject /
// DeleteObject action on any object in the bucket
S3PolicyContext context = new S3PolicyContext(
PolicyActions.AbortMultipartUpload, bucketName);
verifyAccess(context, "SBucket", bucket.getId(),
// -> first get a list of all the uploaded files and delete one by
// one
S3MultipartPart[] parts = uploadDao.getParts(uploadId, 10000, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
bucketAdapter.deleteObject(host_storagelocation_pair.getSecond(), ServiceProvider.getInstance()
.getMultipartDir(), parts[i].getPath());
return 204;
} catch (PermissionDeniedException e) {
logger.error("freeUploadParts failed due to [" + e.getMessage()
+ "]", e);