throw new Exception("Failed to find the newly create or relocated VM. vmName: " + vmName);
int totalChangeDevices = disks.length + nics.length;
VolumeTO volIso = null;
if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
// system VM needs a patch ISO
} else {
for (VolumeTO vol : disks) {
if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) {
volIso = vol;
if (volIso == null)
VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
int ramMb = (int) (vmSpec.getMinRam() / (1024 * 1024));
VmwareHelper.setBasicVmConfig(vmConfigSpec, vmSpec.getCpus(), vmSpec.getSpeed().intValue(),
getReserveCpuMHz(vmSpec.getSpeed().intValue()), ramMb, getReserveMemMB(ramMb),
translateGuestOsIdentifier(vmSpec.getArch(), vmSpec.getOs()).toString(), vmSpec.getLimitCpuUse());
VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] deviceConfigSpecArray = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[totalChangeDevices];
int i = 0;
int ideControllerKey = vmMo.getIDEDeviceControllerKey();
int scsiControllerKey = vmMo.getScsiDeviceControllerKey();
int controllerKey;
String datastoreDiskPath;
// prepare systemvm patch ISO
if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
// attach ISO (for patching of system VM)
String secStoreUrl = mgr.getSecondaryStorageStoreUrl(Long.parseLong(_dcId));
if(secStoreUrl == null) {
String msg = "secondary storage for dc " + _dcId + " is not ready yet?";
throw new Exception(msg);
ManagedObjectReference morSecDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(secStoreUrl);
if (morSecDs == null) {
String msg = "Failed to prepare secondary storage on host, secondary store url: " + secStoreUrl;
throw new Exception(msg);
DatastoreMO secDsMo = new DatastoreMO(hyperHost.getContext(), morSecDs);
deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, String.format("[%s] systemvm/%s", secDsMo.getName(), mgr.getSystemVMIsoFileNameOnDatastore()),
secDsMo.getMor(), true, true, i, i + 1);
if (isoInfo.second()) {
s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
} else {
s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
} else {
// we will always plugin a CDROM device
if (volIso != null && volIso.getPath() != null && !volIso.getPath().isEmpty()) {
Pair<String, ManagedObjectReference> isoDatastoreInfo = getIsoDatastoreInfo(hyperHost, volIso.getPath());
assert (isoDatastoreInfo != null);
assert (isoDatastoreInfo.second() != null);
deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, isoDatastoreInfo.first(), isoDatastoreInfo.second(), true, true, i, i + 1);