final DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
DataStoreTO srcDataStore = srcData.getDataStore();
NfsTO srcStore = (NfsTO) srcDataStore;
DataStoreTO destDataStore = destData.getDataStore();
final S3TO s3 = (S3TO) destDataStore;
try {
final String templatePath = determineStorageTemplatePath(srcStore.getUrl(), srcData.getPath());
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Found " + srcData.getObjectType() + " from directory " + templatePath
+ " to upload to S3.");
final String bucket = s3.getBucketName();
File srcFile = _storage.getFile(templatePath);
// guard the case where templatePath does not have file extension, since we are not completely sure
// about hypervisor, so we check each extension
if (!srcFile.exists()) {
srcFile = _storage.getFile(templatePath + ".qcow2");
if (!srcFile.exists()) {
srcFile = _storage.getFile(templatePath + ".vhd");
if (!srcFile.exists()) {
srcFile = _storage.getFile(templatePath + ".ova");
if (!srcFile.exists()) {
return new CopyCmdAnswer("Can't find src file:" + templatePath);
long srcSize = srcFile.length();
ImageFormat format = this.getTemplateFormat(srcFile.getName());
String key = destData.getPath() + S3Utils.SEPARATOR + srcFile.getName();
if (!s3.getSingleUpload(srcSize)){
mputFile(s3, srcFile, bucket, key);
} else{
putFile(s3, srcFile, bucket, key);