
Examples of


    public Answer attachVolume(AttachCommand cmd) {
        DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
        VolumeObjectTO vol = (VolumeObjectTO) disk.getData();
        PrimaryDataStoreTO primaryStore = (PrimaryDataStoreTO) vol.getDataStore();
        String vmName = cmd.getVmName();
        try {
            Connect conn = LibvirtConnection.getConnectionByVmName(vmName);
            KVMPhysicalDisk phyDisk = storagePoolMgr.getPhysicalDisk(primaryStore.getPoolType(), primaryStore.getUuid(), vol.getPath());

            attachOrDetachDisk(conn, true, vmName, phyDisk, disk.getDiskSeq().intValue());

            return new AttachAnswer(disk);
        } catch (LibvirtException e) {
            s_logger.debug("Failed to attach volume: " + vol.getPath() + ", due to " + e.toString());
            return new AttachAnswer(e.toString());
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    public Answer dettachVolume(DettachCommand cmd) {
        DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
        VolumeObjectTO vol = (VolumeObjectTO) disk.getData();
        PrimaryDataStoreTO primaryStore = (PrimaryDataStoreTO) vol.getDataStore();
        String vmName = cmd.getVmName();
        try {
            Connect conn = LibvirtConnection.getConnectionByVmName(vmName);
            KVMPhysicalDisk phyDisk = storagePoolMgr.getPhysicalDisk(primaryStore.getPoolType(), primaryStore.getUuid(), vol.getPath());

            attachOrDetachDisk(conn, false, vmName, phyDisk, disk.getDiskSeq().intValue());

            return new DettachAnswer(disk);
        } catch (LibvirtException e) {
            s_logger.debug("Failed to attach volume: " + vol.getPath() + ", due to " + e.toString());
            return new DettachAnswer(e.toString());
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            s_logger.warn("Host: " + vm.getHostId() + " does not exist");
            return false;

        DataTO isoTO = tmplt.getTO();
        DiskTO disk = new DiskTO(isoTO, null, null, Volume.Type.ISO);
        Command cmd = null;
        if (attach) {
            cmd = new AttachCommand(disk, vmName);
        } else {
            cmd = new DettachCommand(disk, vmName);
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            int totalChangeDevices = disks.length + nics.length;
            DiskTO volIso = null;
            if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
                // system VM needs a patch ISO
            } else {
              volIso = getIsoDiskTO(disks);
                if (volIso == null)

            VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
            String guestOsId = translateGuestOsIdentifier(vmSpec.getArch(), vmSpec.getOs()).value();
            VmwareHelper.setBasicVmConfig(vmConfigSpec, vmSpec.getCpus(), vmSpec.getMaxSpeed(),
                    getReservedCpuMHZ(vmSpec),(int) (vmSpec.getMaxRam()/(1024*1024)), getReservedMemoryMb(vmSpec),
                    guestOsId, vmSpec.getLimitCpuUse());
            // Check for hotadd settings
            configNestedHVSupport(vmMo, vmSpec, vmConfigSpec);

            VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] deviceConfigSpecArray = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[totalChangeDevices];
            int i = 0;
            int ideUnitNumber = 0;
            int scsiUnitNumber = 0;
            int nicUnitNumber = 0;
            int ideControllerKey = vmMo.getIDEDeviceControllerKey();
            int scsiControllerKey = vmMo.getScsiDeviceControllerKey();
            int controllerKey;

            // Setup ISO device
            // prepare systemvm patch ISO
            if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
                // attach ISO (for patching of system VM)
                String secStoreUrl = mgr.getSecondaryStorageStoreUrl(Long.parseLong(_dcId));
                if(secStoreUrl == null) {
                    String msg = "secondary storage for dc " + _dcId + " is not ready yet?";
                    throw new Exception(msg);

                ManagedObjectReference morSecDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(secStoreUrl);
                if (morSecDs == null) {
                    String msg = "Failed to prepare secondary storage on host, secondary store url: " + secStoreUrl;
                    throw new Exception(msg);
                DatastoreMO secDsMo = new DatastoreMO(hyperHost.getContext(), morSecDs);

                deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
                Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, String.format("[%s] systemvm/%s", secDsMo.getName(), mgr.getSystemVMIsoFileNameOnDatastore()),
                        secDsMo.getMor(), true, true, ideUnitNumber++, i + 1);
                if (isoInfo.second()) {
                        s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
                } else {
                        s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first()));
            } else {
                // Note: we will always plug a CDROM device
                if (volIso != null) {
                    TemplateObjectTO iso = (TemplateObjectTO)volIso.getData();

                    if (iso.getPath() != null && !iso.getPath().isEmpty()) {
                        DataStoreTO imageStore = iso.getDataStore();
                        if (!(imageStore instanceof NfsTO)) {
                            s_logger.debug("unsupported protocol");
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                displayName = guestOS.getDisplayName();

            TemplateObjectTO iso = (TemplateObjectTO)template.getTO();
            DiskTO disk = new DiskTO(iso, 3L, null, Volume.Type.ISO);
        } else {
            TemplateObjectTO iso = new TemplateObjectTO();
            DiskTO disk = new DiskTO(iso, 3L, null, Volume.Type.ISO);

        return true;
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                displayName = guestOS.getDisplayName();

            TemplateObjectTO iso = (TemplateObjectTO)template.getTO();
            DiskTO disk = new DiskTO(iso, 3L, null, Volume.Type.ISO);
        } else {
            TemplateObjectTO iso = new TemplateObjectTO();
            DiskTO disk = new DiskTO(iso, 3L, null, Volume.Type.ISO);
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            s_logger.warn("Host: " + vm.getHostId() + " does not exist");
            return false;

        DataTO isoTO = tmplt.getTO();
        DiskTO disk = new DiskTO(isoTO, null, null, Volume.Type.ISO);
        Command cmd = null;
        if (attach) {
            cmd = new AttachCommand(disk, vmName);
        } else {
            cmd = new DettachCommand(disk, vmName);
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                Host host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);

                final Command cmd;

                if (host.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.XenServer) {
                    DiskTO disk = new DiskTO(volumeInfo.getTO(), root.getDeviceId(), root.getPath(), root.getVolumeType());

                    // it's OK in this case to send a detach command to the host for a root volume as this
                    // will simply lead to the SR that supports the root volume being removed
                    cmd = new DettachCommand(disk, vm.getInstanceName());
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        hypervisorResource = resource;

    public AttachAnswer attachIso(AttachCommand cmd) {
        DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
        DataTO data = disk.getData();
        DataStoreTO store = data.getDataStore();

        String isoURL = null;
        if (store == null) {
            TemplateObjectTO iso = (TemplateObjectTO) disk.getData();
            isoURL = iso.getName();
        } else {
            if (!(store instanceof NfsTO)) {
                s_logger.debug("Can't attach a iso which is not created on nfs: ");
                return new AttachAnswer("Can't attach a iso which is not created on nfs: ");
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    public AttachAnswer attachVolume(AttachCommand cmd) {
        DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
        DataTO data = disk.getData();

        try {
            String vmName = cmd.getVmName();
            String vdiNameLabel = vmName + "-DATA";

            Connection conn = this.hypervisorResource.getConnection();
            VM vm = null;

            boolean vmNotRunning = true;

            try {
                vm = this.hypervisorResource.getVM(conn, vmName);

                VM.Record vmr = vm.getRecord(conn);

                vmNotRunning = vmr.powerState != VmPowerState.RUNNING;
            } catch (CloudRuntimeException ex) {

            Map<String, String> details = disk.getDetails();
            boolean isManaged = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED));

            // if the VM is not running and we're not dealing with managed storage, just return success (nothing to do here)
            // this should probably never actually happen
            if (vmNotRunning && !isManaged) {
                return new AttachAnswer(disk);

            VDI vdi = null;

            if (isManaged) {
                vdi = hypervisorResource.prepareManagedStorage(conn, details, data.getPath(), vdiNameLabel);

                if (vmNotRunning) {
                    DiskTO newDisk = new DiskTO(disk.getData(), disk.getDiskSeq(), vdi.getUuid(conn), disk.getType());

                    return new AttachAnswer(newDisk);
            } else {
                vdi = hypervisorResource.mount(conn, null, null, data.getPath());

            /* For HVM guest, if no pv driver installed, no attach/detach */
            boolean isHVM = vm.getPVBootloader(conn).equalsIgnoreCase("");

            VMGuestMetrics vgm = vm.getGuestMetrics(conn);
            boolean pvDrvInstalled = false;

            if (!this.hypervisorResource.isRefNull(vgm) && vgm.getPVDriversUpToDate(conn)) {
                pvDrvInstalled = true;

            if (isHVM && !pvDrvInstalled) {
                s_logger.warn(": You attempted an operation on a VM which requires PV drivers to be installed but the drivers were not detected");

                return new AttachAnswer("You attempted an operation that requires PV drivers to be installed on the VM. Please install them by inserting xen-pv-drv.iso.");

            // Figure out the disk number to attach the VM to
            String diskNumber = null;
            Long deviceId = disk.getDiskSeq();

            if (deviceId != null) {
                if (deviceId.longValue() == 3) {
                    String msg = "Device 3 is reserved for CD-ROM, choose other device";

                    return new AttachAnswer(msg);

                if (hypervisorResource.isDeviceUsed(conn, vm, deviceId)) {
                    String msg = "Device " + deviceId + " is used in VM " + vmName;

                    return new AttachAnswer(msg);

                diskNumber = deviceId.toString();
            } else {
                diskNumber = hypervisorResource.getUnusedDeviceNum(conn, vm);

            VBD.Record vbdr = new VBD.Record();

            vbdr.VM = vm;
            vbdr.VDI = vdi;
            vbdr.bootable = false;
            vbdr.userdevice = diskNumber;
            vbdr.mode = Types.VbdMode.RW;
            vbdr.type = Types.VbdType.DISK;
            vbdr.unpluggable = true;

            VBD vbd = VBD.create(conn, vbdr);

            // Attach the VBD to the VM

            // Update the VDI's label to include the VM name
            vdi.setNameLabel(conn, vdiNameLabel);

            DiskTO newDisk = new DiskTO(disk.getData(), Long.parseLong(diskNumber), vdi.getUuid(conn), disk.getType());

            return new AttachAnswer(newDisk);
        } catch (XenAPIException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to attach volume" + " for uuid: " + data.getPath() + "  due to " + e.toString();
            s_logger.warn(msg, e);
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