Long clusterId = agent.getClusterId();
long agentId = agent.getId();
if (agent.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.XenServer) { // only for Xen
StartupRoutingCommand startup = (StartupRoutingCommand) cmd;
HashMap<String, Pair<String, State>> allStates = startup.getClusterVMStateChanges();
if (allStates != null){
this.fullSync(clusterId, allStates);
// initiate the cron job
ClusterSyncCommand syncCmd = new ClusterSyncCommand(Integer.parseInt(Config.ClusterDeltaSyncInterval.getDefaultValue()), clusterId);
try {
long seq_no = _agentMgr.send(agentId, new Commands(syncCmd), this);
s_logger.debug("Cluster VM sync started with jobid " + seq_no);
} catch (AgentUnavailableException e) {
s_logger.fatal("The Cluster VM sync process failed for cluster id " + clusterId + " with ", e);
else { // for others KVM and VMWare
StartupRoutingCommand startup = (StartupRoutingCommand) cmd;
Commands commands = fullHostSync(agentId, startup);
if (commands.size() > 0) {
s_logger.debug("Sending clean commands to the agent");