answer = new StartupAnswer(startup, attache.getId(), getPingInterval());
} else if (cmd instanceof StartupStorageCommand) {
final StartupStorageCommand startup = (StartupStorageCommand) cmd;
answer = new StartupAnswer(startup, attache.getId(), getPingInterval());
} else if (cmd instanceof ShutdownCommand) {
final ShutdownCommand shutdown = (ShutdownCommand) cmd;
final String reason = shutdown.getReason();"Host " + attache.getId() + " has informed us that it is shutting down with reason " + reason + " and detail " + shutdown.getDetail());
if (reason.equals(ShutdownCommand.Update)) {
//disconnectWithoutInvestigation(attache, Event.UpdateNeeded);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Agent update not implemented");
} else if (reason.equals(ShutdownCommand.Requested)) {
disconnectWithoutInvestigation(attache, Event.ShutdownRequested);