
Examples of

    protected NetworkUsageAnswer execute(NetworkUsageCommand cmd) {
        try {
            Connection conn = getConnection();
            if(cmd.getOption()!=null && cmd.getOption().equals("create") ){
                String result = networkUsage(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP(), "create", null);
                NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, result, 0L, 0L);
                return answer;
            long[] stats = getNetworkStats(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP());
            NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, "", stats[0], stats[1]);
            return answer;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to get network usage stats due to ", ex);
            return new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, ex);
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    protected NetworkUsageAnswer execute(NetworkUsageCommand cmd) {
        try {
            Connection conn = getConnection();
            if(cmd.getOption()!=null && cmd.getOption().equals("create") ){
                String result = networkUsage(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP(), "create", null);
                NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, result, 0L, 0L);
                return answer;
            long[] stats = getNetworkStats(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP());
            NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, "", stats[0], stats[1]);
            return answer;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to get network usage stats due to ", ex);
            return new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, ex);
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                    boolean forVpc = router.getVpcId() != null;
                    final NetworkUsageCommand usageCmd = new NetworkUsageCommand(privateIP, router.getHostName(),
                            forVpc, routerNic.getIp4Address());
                    UserStatisticsVO previousStats = _userStatsDao.findBy(router.getAccountId(),
                            router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn(), network.getId(), null, router.getId(), router.getType().toString());
                    NetworkUsageAnswer answer = null;
                    try {
                        answer = (NetworkUsageAnswer) _agentMgr.easySend(router.getHostId(), usageCmd);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: "+router.getInstanceName()+" from host: "+router.getHostId(), e);

                    if (answer != null) {
                        if (!answer.getResult()) {
                            s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: "+router.getInstanceName()+" from host: "+router.getHostId() + "; details: " + answer.getDetails());
                        Transaction txn =;
                        try {
                            if ((answer.getBytesReceived() == 0) && (answer.getBytesSent() == 0)) {
                                s_logger.debug("Recieved and Sent bytes are both 0. Not updating user_statistics");
                            UserStatisticsVO stats = _userStatsDao.lock(router.getAccountId(),
                                    router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn(), network.getId(), null, router.getId(), router.getType().toString());
                            if (stats == null) {
                                s_logger.warn("unable to find stats for account: " + router.getAccountId());

                            if(previousStats != null
                                    && ((previousStats.getCurrentBytesReceived() != stats.getCurrentBytesReceived())
                                            || (previousStats.getCurrentBytesSent() != stats.getCurrentBytesSent()))){
                                s_logger.debug("Router stats changed from the time NetworkUsageCommand was sent. " +
                                        "Ignoring current answer. Router: "+answer.getRouterName()+" Rcvd: " +
                                        answer.getBytesReceived()+ "Sent: " +answer.getBytesSent());

                            if (stats.getCurrentBytesReceived() > answer.getBytesReceived()) {
                                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                            "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " +
                                            answer.getRouterName()+" Reported: " + answer.getBytesReceived()
                                            + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                stats.setNetBytesReceived(stats.getNetBytesReceived() + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                            if (stats.getCurrentBytesSent() > answer.getBytesSent()) {
                                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                            "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " +
                                            answer.getRouterName()+" Reported: " + answer.getBytesSent()
                                            + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                stats.setNetBytesSent(stats.getNetBytesSent() + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                            _userStatsDao.update(stats.getId(), stats);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            s_logger.warn("Unable to update user statistics for account: " + router.getAccountId()
                                    + " Rx: " + answer.getBytesReceived() + "; Tx: " + answer.getBytesSent());
                        } finally {
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                                final NetworkUsageCommand usageCmd = new NetworkUsageCommand(privateIP, router.getHostName(),
                                        forVpc, routerNic.getIp4Address());
                                String routerType = router.getType().toString();
                                UserStatisticsVO previousStats = _userStatsDao.findBy(router.getAccountId(),
                                        router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn(), network.getId(), (forVpc ? routerNic.getIp4Address() : null), router.getId(), routerType);
                                NetworkUsageAnswer answer = null;
                                try {
                                    answer = (NetworkUsageAnswer) _agentMgr.easySend(router.getHostId(), usageCmd);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: " + router.getInstanceName() + " from host: " + router.getHostId(), e);

                                if (answer != null) {
                                    if (!answer.getResult()) {
                                        s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: " + router.getInstanceName() + " from host: " + router.getHostId() + "; details: " + answer.getDetails());
                                    Transaction txn =;
                                    try {
                                        if ((answer.getBytesReceived() == 0) && (answer.getBytesSent() == 0)) {
                                            s_logger.debug("Recieved and Sent bytes are both 0. Not updating user_statistics");
                                        UserStatisticsVO stats = _userStatsDao.lock(router.getAccountId(),
                                                router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn(), network.getId(), (forVpc ? routerNic.getIp4Address() : null), router.getId(), routerType);
                                        if (stats == null) {
                                            s_logger.warn("unable to find stats for account: " + router.getAccountId());

                                        if (previousStats != null
                                                && ((previousStats.getCurrentBytesReceived() != stats.getCurrentBytesReceived())
                                                || (previousStats.getCurrentBytesSent() != stats.getCurrentBytesSent()))) {
                                            s_logger.debug("Router stats changed from the time NetworkUsageCommand was sent. " +
                                                    "Ignoring current answer. Router: " + answer.getRouterName() + " Rcvd: " +
                                                    answer.getBytesReceived() + "Sent: " + answer.getBytesSent());

                                        if (stats.getCurrentBytesReceived() > answer.getBytesReceived()) {
                                            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                                s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                                        "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " +
                                                        answer.getRouterName() + " Reported: " + answer.getBytesReceived()
                                                        + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                            stats.setNetBytesReceived(stats.getNetBytesReceived() + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                        if (stats.getCurrentBytesSent() > answer.getBytesSent()) {
                                            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                                s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                                        "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " +
                                                        answer.getRouterName() + " Reported: " + answer.getBytesSent()
                                                        + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                            stats.setNetBytesSent(stats.getNetBytesSent() + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                        if (! _dailyOrHourly) {
                                            //update agg bytes
                                            stats.setAggBytesSent(stats.getNetBytesSent() + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                            stats.setAggBytesReceived(stats.getNetBytesReceived() + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                        _userStatsDao.update(stats.getId(), stats);
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        s_logger.warn("Unable to update user statistics for account: " + router.getAccountId()
                                                + " Rx: " + answer.getBytesReceived() + "; Tx: " + answer.getBytesSent());
                                    } finally {
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                    final NetworkUsageCommand usageCmd = new NetworkUsageCommand(privateIP, router.getHostName(), forVpc, routerNic.getIp4Address());
                    final String routerType = router.getType().toString();
                    final UserStatisticsVO previousStats =
                            _userStatsDao.findBy(router.getAccountId(), router.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), (forVpc ? routerNic.getIp4Address() : null),
                                    router.getId(), routerType);
                    NetworkUsageAnswer answer = null;
                    try {
                        answer = (NetworkUsageAnswer)_agentMgr.easySend(router.getHostId(), usageCmd);
                    } catch (final Exception e) {
                        s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: " + router.getInstanceName() + " from host: " + router.getHostId(), e);

                    if (answer != null) {
                        if (!answer.getResult()) {
                            s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: " + router.getInstanceName() + " from host: " + router.getHostId() +
                                    "; details: " + answer.getDetails());
                        try {
                            if ((answer.getBytesReceived() == 0) && (answer.getBytesSent() == 0)) {
                                s_logger.debug("Recieved and Sent bytes are both 0. Not updating user_statistics");

                            final NetworkUsageAnswer answerFinal = answer;
                            Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
                                public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) {
                                    final UserStatisticsVO stats =
                                            _userStatsDao.lock(router.getAccountId(), router.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), (forVpc ? routerNic.getIp4Address() : null),
                                                    router.getId(), routerType);
                                    if (stats == null) {
                                        s_logger.warn("unable to find stats for account: " + router.getAccountId());

                                    if (previousStats != null &&
                                            ((previousStats.getCurrentBytesReceived() != stats.getCurrentBytesReceived()) || (previousStats.getCurrentBytesSent() != stats.getCurrentBytesSent()))) {
                                        s_logger.debug("Router stats changed from the time NetworkUsageCommand was sent. " + "Ignoring current answer. Router: " +
                                                answerFinal.getRouterName() + " Rcvd: " + answerFinal.getBytesReceived() + "Sent: " + answerFinal.getBytesSent());

                                    if (stats.getCurrentBytesReceived() > answerFinal.getBytesReceived()) {
                                        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                            s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                                    "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " + answerFinal.getRouterName() + " Reported: " +
                                                    answerFinal.getBytesReceived() + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                        stats.setNetBytesReceived(stats.getNetBytesReceived() + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                    if (stats.getCurrentBytesSent() > answerFinal.getBytesSent()) {
                                        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                            s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                                    "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " + answerFinal.getRouterName() + " Reported: " +
                                                    answerFinal.getBytesSent() + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                        stats.setNetBytesSent(stats.getNetBytesSent() + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                    if (!_dailyOrHourly) {
                                        //update agg bytes
                                        stats.setAggBytesSent(stats.getNetBytesSent() + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                        stats.setAggBytesReceived(stats.getNetBytesReceived() + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
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    protected NetworkUsageAnswer execute(NetworkUsageCommand cmd) {
        try {
            Connection conn = getConnection();
            if (cmd.getOption() != null && cmd.getOption().equals("create")) {
                String result = networkUsage(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP(), "create", null);
                NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, result, 0L, 0L);
                return answer;
            long[] stats = getNetworkStats(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP());
            NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, "", stats[0], stats[1]);
            return answer;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to get network usage stats due to ", ex);
            return new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, ex);
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    protected NetworkUsageAnswer execute(NetworkUsageCommand cmd) {
        try {
            Connection conn = getConnection();
            if(cmd.getOption()!=null && cmd.getOption().equals("create") ){
                String result = networkUsage(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP(), "create", null);
                NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, result, 0L, 0L);
                return answer;
            long[] stats = getNetworkStats(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP());
            NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, "", stats[0], stats[1]);
            return answer;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to get network usage stats due to ", ex);
            return new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, ex);
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    protected NetworkUsageAnswer execute(NetworkUsageCommand cmd) {
        try {
            Connection conn = getConnection();
            if(cmd.getOption()!=null && cmd.getOption().equals("create") ){
                String result = networkUsage(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP(), "create", null);
                NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, result, 0L, 0L);
                return answer;
            long[] stats = getNetworkStats(conn, cmd.getPrivateIP());
            NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, "", stats[0], stats[1]);
            return answer;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            s_logger.warn("Failed to get network usage stats due to ", ex);
            return new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, ex);
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                    final NetworkUsageCommand usageCmd = new NetworkUsageCommand(privateIP, router.getHostName(),
                            forVpc, routerNic.getIp4Address());
                    String routerType = router.getType().toString();
                    UserStatisticsVO previousStats = _userStatsDao.findBy(router.getAccountId(),
                            router.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), (forVpc ? routerNic.getIp4Address() : null), router.getId(), routerType);
                    NetworkUsageAnswer answer = null;
                    try {
                        answer = (NetworkUsageAnswer) _agentMgr.easySend(router.getHostId(), usageCmd);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: " + router.getInstanceName() + " from host: " + router.getHostId(), e);

                    if (answer != null) {
                        if (!answer.getResult()) {
                            s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: " + router.getInstanceName() + " from host: " + router.getHostId() + "; details: " + answer.getDetails());
                        Transaction txn =;
                        try {
                            if ((answer.getBytesReceived() == 0) && (answer.getBytesSent() == 0)) {
                                s_logger.debug("Recieved and Sent bytes are both 0. Not updating user_statistics");
                            UserStatisticsVO stats = _userStatsDao.lock(router.getAccountId(),
                                    router.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), (forVpc ? routerNic.getIp4Address() : null), router.getId(), routerType);
                            if (stats == null) {
                                s_logger.warn("unable to find stats for account: " + router.getAccountId());

                            if (previousStats != null
                                    && ((previousStats.getCurrentBytesReceived() != stats.getCurrentBytesReceived())
                                    || (previousStats.getCurrentBytesSent() != stats.getCurrentBytesSent()))){
                                s_logger.debug("Router stats changed from the time NetworkUsageCommand was sent. " +
                                        "Ignoring current answer. Router: " + answer.getRouterName() + " Rcvd: " +
                                        answer.getBytesReceived() + "Sent: " + answer.getBytesSent());

                            if (stats.getCurrentBytesReceived() > answer.getBytesReceived()) {
                                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                            "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " +
                                            answer.getRouterName() + " Reported: " + answer.getBytesReceived()
                                            + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                stats.setNetBytesReceived(stats.getNetBytesReceived() + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                            if (stats.getCurrentBytesSent() > answer.getBytesSent()) {
                                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                            "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " +
                                            answer.getRouterName() + " Reported: " + answer.getBytesSent()
                                            + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                stats.setNetBytesSent(stats.getNetBytesSent() + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                            if (! _dailyOrHourly) {
                                //update agg bytes
                                stats.setAggBytesSent(stats.getNetBytesSent() + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                stats.setAggBytesReceived(stats.getNetBytesReceived() + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                            _userStatsDao.update(stats.getId(), stats);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            s_logger.warn("Unable to update user statistics for account: " + router.getAccountId()
                                    + " Rx: " + answer.getBytesReceived() + "; Tx: " + answer.getBytesSent());
                        } finally {
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                                final NetworkUsageCommand usageCmd = new NetworkUsageCommand(privateIP, router.getHostName(),
                                        forVpc, routerNic.getIp4Address());
                                String routerType = router.getType().toString();
                                UserStatisticsVO previousStats = _userStatsDao.findBy(router.getAccountId(),
                                        router.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), (forVpc ? routerNic.getIp4Address() : null), router.getId(), routerType);
                                NetworkUsageAnswer answer = null;
                                try {
                                    answer = (NetworkUsageAnswer) _agentMgr.easySend(router.getHostId(), usageCmd);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: " + router.getInstanceName() + " from host: " + router.getHostId(), e);

                                if (answer != null) {
                                    if (!answer.getResult()) {
                                        s_logger.warn("Error while collecting network stats from router: " + router.getInstanceName() + " from host: " + router.getHostId() + "; details: " + answer.getDetails());
                                    Transaction txn =;
                                    try {
                                        if ((answer.getBytesReceived() == 0) && (answer.getBytesSent() == 0)) {
                                            s_logger.debug("Recieved and Sent bytes are both 0. Not updating user_statistics");
                                        UserStatisticsVO stats = _userStatsDao.lock(router.getAccountId(),
                                                router.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), (forVpc ? routerNic.getIp4Address() : null), router.getId(), routerType);
                                        if (stats == null) {
                                            s_logger.warn("unable to find stats for account: " + router.getAccountId());

                                        if (previousStats != null
                                                && ((previousStats.getCurrentBytesReceived() != stats.getCurrentBytesReceived())
                                                || (previousStats.getCurrentBytesSent() != stats.getCurrentBytesSent()))) {
                                            s_logger.debug("Router stats changed from the time NetworkUsageCommand was sent. " +
                                                    "Ignoring current answer. Router: " + answer.getRouterName() + " Rcvd: " +
                                                    answer.getBytesReceived() + "Sent: " + answer.getBytesSent());

                                        if (stats.getCurrentBytesReceived() > answer.getBytesReceived()) {
                                            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                                s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                                        "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " +
                                                        answer.getRouterName() + " Reported: " + answer.getBytesReceived()
                                                        + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                            stats.setNetBytesReceived(stats.getNetBytesReceived() + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                        if (stats.getCurrentBytesSent() > answer.getBytesSent()) {
                                            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                                s_logger.debug("Received # of bytes that's less than the last one.  " +
                                                        "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Router: " +
                                                        answer.getRouterName() + " Reported: " + answer.getBytesSent()
                                                        + " Stored: " + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                            stats.setNetBytesSent(stats.getNetBytesSent() + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                        if (! _dailyOrHourly) {
                                            //update agg bytes
                                            stats.setAggBytesSent(stats.getNetBytesSent() + stats.getCurrentBytesSent());
                                            stats.setAggBytesReceived(stats.getNetBytesReceived() + stats.getCurrentBytesReceived());
                                        _userStatsDao.update(stats.getId(), stats);
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        s_logger.warn("Unable to update user statistics for account: " + router.getAccountId()
                                                + " Rx: " + answer.getBytesReceived() + "; Tx: " + answer.getBytesSent());
                                    } finally {
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