
Examples of

            ReservationContext context) {
        DomainRouterVO router = profile.getVirtualMachine();
        boolean result = true;

        Answer answer = cmds.getAnswer("checkSsh");
        if (answer != null && answer instanceof CheckSshAnswer) {
            CheckSshAnswer sshAnswer = (CheckSshAnswer) answer;
            if (sshAnswer == null || !sshAnswer.getResult()) {
                s_logger.warn("Unable to ssh to the VM: " + sshAnswer.getDetails());
                result = false;
        } else {
            result = false;
        if (result == false) {
            return result;
        //Get guest networks info
        List<Network> guestNetworks = new ArrayList<Network>();
        List<? extends Nic> routerNics = _nicDao.listByVmId(profile.getId());
        for (Nic routerNic : routerNics) {
            Network network = _networkMgr.getNetwork(routerNic.getNetworkId());
            if (network.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest) {
        answer = cmds.getAnswer("getDomRVersion");
        if (answer != null && answer instanceof GetDomRVersionAnswer) {
            GetDomRVersionAnswer versionAnswer = (GetDomRVersionAnswer)answer;
            if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
                s_logger.warn("Unable to get the template/scripts version of router " + router.getInstanceName() +
                        " due to: " + versionAnswer.getDetails());
                result = false;
            } else {
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                _agentMgr.send(router.getHostId(), cmds);
            } catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
                s_logger.debug("Failed to start remote access VPN: ", e);
                throw new AgentUnavailableException("Unable to send commands to virtual router ", router.getHostId(), e);
            Answer answer = cmds.getAnswer("users");
            if (!answer.getResult()) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to start vpn: unable add users to vpn in zone " + router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn()
                        + " for account " + vpn.getAccountId() + " on domR: " + router.getInstanceName()
                        + " due to " + answer.getDetails());
                throw new ResourceUnavailableException("Unable to start vpn: Unable to add users to vpn in zone " +
                        router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn() + " for account " + vpn.getAccountId() + " on domR: "
                        + router.getInstanceName() + " due to " + answer.getDetails(), DataCenter.class, router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn());
            answer = cmds.getAnswer("startVpn");
            if (!answer.getResult()) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to start vpn in zone " + router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn() + " for account " +
            vpn.getAccountId() + " on domR: " + router.getInstanceName() + " due to "
                        + answer.getDetails());
                throw new ResourceUnavailableException("Unable to start vpn in zone " + router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn()
                        + " for account " + vpn.getAccountId() + " on domR: " + router.getInstanceName()
                        + " due to " + answer.getDetails(), DataCenter.class, router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn());

        return true;
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            //connRouterPR < disconnRouterPR, they won't equal at anytime
            if (!connectedRouter.getIsPriorityBumpUp()) {
                final BumpUpPriorityCommand command = new BumpUpPriorityCommand();
                command.setAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP, getRouterControlIp(connectedRouter.getId()));
                command.setAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_NAME, connectedRouter.getInstanceName());
                final Answer answer = _agentMgr.easySend(connectedRouter.getHostId(), command);
                if (!answer.getResult()) {
                    s_logger.error("Failed to bump up " + connectedRouter.getInstanceName() + "'s priority! " + answer.getDetails());
            } else {
                String t = "Can't bump up virtual router " + connectedRouter.getInstanceName() + "'s priority due to it's already bumped up!";
                        connectedRouter.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn(), connectedRouter.getPodIdToDeployIn(), t, t);
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    public Answer executeRequest(Command cmd) {
        s_logger.trace("Begin executeRequest(), cmd: " + cmd.getClass().getSimpleName());
        Answer answer = null;
        NDC.push(_hostName != null ? _hostName : _guid + "(" + ComponentLocator.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion() + ")");
        try {
            long cmdSequence = _cmdSequence++;
            Date startTime = DateUtil.currentGMTTime();
            PropertyMapDynamicBean mbean = new PropertyMapDynamicBean();
            mbean.addProp("StartTime", DateUtil.getDateDisplayString(TimeZone.getDefault(), startTime));
            mbean.addProp("Command", _gson.toJson(cmd));
            mbean.addProp("Sequence", String.valueOf(cmdSequence));
            mbean.addProp("Name", cmd.getClass().getSimpleName());

            Class<? extends Command> clz = cmd.getClass();
            if (clz == CreateCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CreateCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == SetPortForwardingRulesCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((SetPortForwardingRulesCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == SetStaticNatRulesCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((SetStaticNatRulesCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == LoadBalancerConfigCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((LoadBalancerConfigCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == IpAssocCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((IpAssocCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == SavePasswordCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((SavePasswordCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == DhcpEntryCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((DhcpEntryCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == VmDataCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((VmDataCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == ReadyCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((ReadyCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == GetHostStatsCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((GetHostStatsCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == GetVmStatsCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((GetVmStatsCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CheckHealthCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CheckHealthCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == StopCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((StopCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == RebootRouterCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((RebootRouterCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == RebootCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((RebootCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CheckVirtualMachineCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CheckVirtualMachineCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == PrepareForMigrationCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((PrepareForMigrationCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == MigrateCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((MigrateCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == DestroyCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((DestroyCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CreateStoragePoolCommand.class) {
                return execute((CreateStoragePoolCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == ModifyStoragePoolCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((ModifyStoragePoolCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == DeleteStoragePoolCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((DeleteStoragePoolCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CopyVolumeCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CopyVolumeCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == AttachVolumeCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((AttachVolumeCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == AttachIsoCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((AttachIsoCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == ValidateSnapshotCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((ValidateSnapshotCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == ManageSnapshotCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((ManageSnapshotCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == BackupSnapshotCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((BackupSnapshotCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == UpgradeSnapshotCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((UpgradeSnapshotCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == GetStorageStatsCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((GetStorageStatsCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == GetVncPortCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((GetVncPortCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == SetupCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((SetupCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == MaintainCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((MaintainCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == PingTestCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((PingTestCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CheckOnHostCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CheckOnHostCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == ModifySshKeysCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((ModifySshKeysCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == PoolEjectCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((PoolEjectCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == NetworkUsageCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((NetworkUsageCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == StartCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((StartCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == RemoteAccessVpnCfgCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((RemoteAccessVpnCfgCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == VpnUsersCfgCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((VpnUsersCfgCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CheckSshCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CheckSshCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CheckRouterCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CheckRouterCommand) cmd);
            } else  if (clz == SetFirewallRulesCommand.class) {
              answer = execute((SetFirewallRulesCommand)cmd);
            } else if (clz == BumpUpPriorityCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((BumpUpPriorityCommand)cmd);
            } else if (clz == GetDomRVersionCmd.class) {
                answer = execute((GetDomRVersionCmd)cmd);
            } else if (clz == CheckNetworkCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CheckNetworkCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == SetupGuestNetworkCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((SetupGuestNetworkCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == IpAssocVpcCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((IpAssocVpcCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == PlugNicCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((PlugNicCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == UnPlugNicCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((UnPlugNicCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == SetSourceNatCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((SetSourceNatCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == SetNetworkACLCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((SetNetworkACLCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == SetPortForwardingRulesVpcCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((SetPortForwardingRulesVpcCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == Site2SiteVpnCfgCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((Site2SiteVpnCfgCommand) cmd);
            } else if (clz == CheckS2SVpnConnectionsCommand.class) {
                answer = execute((CheckS2SVpnConnectionsCommand) cmd);
            } else {
                answer = Answer.createUnsupportedCommandAnswer(cmd);

            if(cmd.getContextParam("checkpoint") != null) {
                answer.setContextParam("checkpoint", cmd.getContextParam("checkpoint"));

            Date doneTime = DateUtil.currentGMTTime();
            mbean.addProp("DoneTime", DateUtil.getDateDisplayString(TimeZone.getDefault(), doneTime));
            mbean.addProp("Answer", _gson.toJson(answer));
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                Pair<Boolean, String> result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "scp " + tmpCfgFilePath + " /etc/haproxy/");

                if (!result.first()) {
                    s_logger.error("Unable to copy haproxy configuration file");
                    return new Answer(cmd, false, "LoadBalancerConfigCommand failed due to uanble to copy haproxy configuration file");

                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("Run command on domain router " + routerIp + ",  /root/ " + args);

                result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "/root/ " + args);

                if (!result.first()) {
                    String msg = "LoadBalancerConfigCommand on domain router " + routerIp + " failed. message: " + result.second();

                    return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);

                if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "LoadBalancerConfigCommand on domain router " + routerIp + " completed");
            } finally {
                SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "rm " + tmpCfgFilePath);

            return new Answer(cmd);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            s_logger.error("Unexpected exception: " + e.toString(), e);
            return new Answer(cmd, false, "LoadBalancerConfigCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e));
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                    "/opt/cloud/bin/ " + args);

            if (!result.first()) {
                s_logger.error("Setup site2site VPN " + cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP) + " failed, message: " + result.second());

                return new Answer(cmd, false, "Setup site2site VPN falied due to " + result.second());

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("setup site 2 site vpn on router " + cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP) + " completed");
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            String msg = "Setup site2site VPN falied due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e);
            s_logger.error(msg, e);
            return new Answer(cmd, false, "Setup site2site VPN failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e));
        return new Answer(cmd, true, result.second());
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            Pair<Boolean, String> result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "/root/ " + args);

            if (!result.first()) {
                s_logger.error("savepassword command on domain router " + controlIp + " failed, message: " + result.second());

                return new Answer(cmd, false, "SavePassword failed due to " + result.second());

            if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "savepassword command on domain router " + controlIp + " completed");

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            String msg = "SavePasswordCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e);
            s_logger.error(msg, e);
            return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);
        return new Answer(cmd);
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                    "/root/ " + args);

            if (!result.first()) {
                s_logger.error("dhcp_entry command on domR " + controlIp + " failed, message: " + result.second());

                return new Answer(cmd, false, "DhcpEntry failed due to " + result.second());

            if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "dhcp_entry command on domain router " + controlIp + " completed");

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            String msg = "DhcpEntryCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e);
            s_logger.error(msg, e);
            return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);

        return new Answer(cmd);
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                    "/root/ ");

            if (!result.first()) {
                s_logger.error("BumpUpPriority command on domR " + cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP) + " failed, message: " + result.second());

                return new Answer(cmd, false, "BumpUpPriorityCommand failed due to " + result.second());

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("BumpUpPriorityCommand on domain router " + cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP) + " completed");
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            String msg = "BumpUpPriorityCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e);
            s_logger.error(msg, e);
            return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);
        if (result.second() == null || result.second().isEmpty()) {
            return new Answer(cmd, true, result.second());
        return new Answer(cmd, false, result.second());
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                Pair<Boolean, String> result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null,
                        "/root/ " + tmpFileName);

                if (!result.first()) {
                    s_logger.error("vm_data command on domain router " + controlIp + " failed. messge: " + result.second());
                    return new Answer(cmd, false, "VmDataCommand failed due to " + result.second());
            } finally {

                SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DEFAULT_DOMR_SSHPORT, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "rm /tmp/" + tmpFileName);

            if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "vm_data command on domain router " + controlIp + " completed");

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            String msg = "VmDataCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e);
            s_logger.error(msg, e);
            return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);
        return new Answer(cmd);
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