IndividualVO individualVO = contactFacade.getIndividual(Integer.parseInt(viewIndividualId));
// Now we need to get the custom field stuff because it doesn't live on the
// individualVO even though there is a nice space for it there
CustomField customField = null;
try {
customField = (CustomField)CVUtility.setupEJB("CustomField",
"com.centraview.customfield.CustomFieldHome", dataSource);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[execute] Exception thrown.", e);
throw new ServletException(e);
// Only 8 custom fields fit on the detail screen so we have to pull only the
// first 8 out.
TreeMap customFieldMap = customField.getCustomFieldData("Individual", individualVO
Collection customFieldValues = customFieldMap.values();
int arraySize = customFieldValues.size() > 8 ? 8 : customFieldValues.size();
CustomFieldVO[] fieldArray = new CustomFieldVO[arraySize];
Iterator i = customFieldValues.iterator();