// Time to start using the EJB layer
ContactFacade remoteContactFacade = null;
ContactFacadeHome contactFacadeHome = (ContactFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject("", "ContactFacade");
try {
remoteContactFacade = contactFacadeHome.create();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", e);
throw new ServletException(e);
ArrayList addressCheckList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < addressCheckBox.length; i++) {
int addressId = Integer.parseInt(addressCheckBox[i]);
remoteContactFacade.changeAddressRelate(addressId, entityId, contactType);
// delete un-used addresses
// Of course only delete the ones that weren't selected
// thats what all the following convoluted code does
for (int i = 0; i < addressVOs.size(); i++) {
int currentId = ((AddressVO)addressVOs.get(i)).getAddressID();
if (!addressCheckList.contains(currentId+"")) {
try {
remoteContactFacade.deleteAddress(currentId, entityId, individualId);
} catch (RemoteException re) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", re);
} catch (AuthorizationFailedException afe) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", afe);
ArrayList methodOfContactCheckList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < methodOfContactCheckBox.length; i++) {
int mocId = Integer.parseInt(methodOfContactCheckBox[i]);
remoteContactFacade.changeMOCRelate(mocId, entityId, contactType);
// delete un-used mocs.
// Of course only delete the ones that weren't selected
// thats what all the following convoluted code does
for (int i = 0; i < methodOfContactVOs.size(); i++) {
int currentId = ((MethodOfContactVO)methodOfContactVOs.get(i)).getMocID();
if (!methodOfContactCheckList.contains(currentId+"")) {
try {
remoteContactFacade.deleteMOC(currentId, entityId, individualId);
} catch (RemoteException re) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", re);
} catch (AuthorizationFailedException afe) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", afe);
MergedEntityConfirmationBean mergedEntityBean = (MergedEntityConfirmationBean)session.getAttribute("mergedEntity");
int listID = mergedEntityBean.getListID();
// populate the surviving VO
survivor.clearMOC(); // Don't make millions of MOCs
// Move all Individuals to the surviving record.
// I can either update the IndividualVOs and call update
// Or do a DB query. For now I am going to do the former, but we
// maybe should update to do the latter, to save precious Compute
// resources. But for now this is cleaner.
for (int i = 0; i < individualVOs.size(); i++) {
IndividualVO current = (IndividualVO)individualVOs.get(i);
try {
remoteContactFacade.updateIndividual(current, individualId);
} catch (RemoteException re) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", re);
} catch (AuthorizationFailedException afe) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", afe);
// update the surviving record information.
try {
remoteContactFacade.updateEntity(survivor, individualId);
String entityIDs[] = new String[1];
entityIDs[0] = entityId + "";
// Reason for adminIndividualID to set as -1. We know that admin is a super user
// he can move any thing. thats why its hard coded to -1
int adminIndividualID = -1;
remoteContactFacade.entityMove(adminIndividualID, listID, entityIDs);
} catch (RemoteException re) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", re);
} catch (AuthorizationFailedException afe) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", afe);
// PURGE!!!!
// As Nobushige drew his sword, Hakuin remarked, "Here open the gates of hell!"
ArrayList deletedEntities = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < entityVOs.size(); i++) {
int currentId = ((EntityVO)entityVOs.get(i)).getContactID();
if (currentId != entityId) {
try {
remoteContactFacade.deleteEntity(currentId, individualId);
} catch (RemoteException re) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", re);
} catch (AuthorizationFailedException afe) {
logger.error("[Exception] EntityMerge.Execute Handler ", afe);