public class ExtraSerializer extends AbstractStaxSerializer<Extra> {
//START SNIPPET: fieldsAndConstructors
public ExtraSerializer( MoneySerializer moneySerializer ) {
super( "extra", "http://thecompany.com/test/extra", new VersionRange( new Version( 1, 5, 0 ), new Version( 1, 5, 1 ) ) );
//We choose another version number. Maybe this is an old serializer that has been created within another project.
add( moneySerializer ).responsibleFor( Money.class )
.map( 1, 5, 0 ).toDelegateVersion( 1, 0, 0 )
.map( 1, 5, 1 ).toDelegateVersion( 1, 0, 1 ) //this is the only line that has to be added! Everything else (below) stays the same!