Package com.buschmais.cdo.impl.schema.v1

Examples of com.buschmais.cdo.impl.schema.v1.ObjectFactory

        SgDerivedTypeC derivedC = new SgDerivedTypeC();
        derivedC.setVarInt(new BigInteger("32"));

        ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
        JAXBElement<? extends SgBaseTypeA> elementB = objectFactory.createSg03DerivedElementB(derivedB);
        JAXBElement<? extends SgBaseTypeA> elementC = objectFactory.createSg03DerivedElementC(derivedC);
        ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupAbstract x = new ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupAbstract();
        ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupAbstract yOrig = new ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupAbstract();
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            return y.getSg04NillableBaseElementA() == null;
    public void testChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil() throws Exception {
        ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
        ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil x = new ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil();
        JAXBElement<BigInteger> varInt =
        ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil yOrig = new ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil();
        JAXBElement<? extends SgBaseTypeA> elementA =

        Holder<ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil> y = new Holder<ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil>(yOrig);
        Holder<ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil> z = new Holder<ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil>();
        ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroupNil ret;
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    public void testChoiceWithSubstitutionGroup() throws Exception {
        SgBaseTypeA baseA = new SgBaseTypeA();
        baseA.setVarInt(new BigInteger("1"));

        ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
        JAXBElement<? extends SgBaseTypeA> elementA = objectFactory.createSg01BaseElementA(baseA);

        SgDerivedTypeB derivedB = new SgDerivedTypeB();
        derivedB.setVarInt(new BigInteger("32"));

        JAXBElement<? extends SgBaseTypeA> elementB = objectFactory.createSg01DerivedElementB(derivedB);

        ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroup x = new ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroup();
        ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroup yOrig = new ChoiceWithSubstitutionGroup();
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        // Create the JAXBContext
        JAXBBlockContext context = new JAXBBlockContext(StockPrice.class.getPackage().getName());
        // Create the JAX-B object
        ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
        StockPrice obj = of.createStockPrice();
        // Create the JAX-B Element
        QName paramQName = new QName("urn://sample", "param", "m");
        JAXBElement e = new JAXBElement(paramQName, StockPrice.class, obj);
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        // Create the JAXBContext
        JAXBBlockContext context = new JAXBBlockContext(StockPrice.class.getPackage().getName());
        // Create the JAX-B object
        ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
        StockPrice obj = of.createStockPrice();
        // Create the JAX-B Element
        QName paramQName = new QName("urn://sample", "param", "m");
        JAXBElement e = new JAXBElement(paramQName, StockPrice.class, obj);
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        // Create the JAXBContext
        JAXBBlockContext context = new JAXBBlockContext(StockPrice.class.getPackage().getName());
        // Create the JAX-B object
        ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
        StockPrice obj = of.createStockPrice();
        // Create the JAX-B Element
        QName paramQName = new QName("urn://sample", "param", "m");
        JAXBElement e = new JAXBElement(paramQName, StockPrice.class, obj);
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        // Create the JAXBContext
        JAXBBlockContext context = new JAXBBlockContext(StockPrice.class.getPackage().getName());
        // Create the JAX-B object
        ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
        StockPrice obj = of.createStockPrice();
        // Create the JAX-B Element
        QName paramQName = new QName("urn://sample", "param", "m");
        JAXBElement e = new JAXBElement(paramQName, StockPrice.class, obj);
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        // Create the JAXBContext
        JAXBBlockContext context = new JAXBBlockContext(StockPrice.class.getPackage().getName());
        // Create the JAX-B object
        ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
        StockPrice obj = of.createStockPrice();
        // Create the JAX-B Element
        QName paramQName = new QName("urn://sample", "param", "m");
        JAXBElement e = new JAXBElement(paramQName, StockPrice.class, obj);
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        // Create the JAXBContext
        JAXBBlockContext context = new JAXBBlockContext(StockPrice.class.getPackage().getName());
        // Create the JAX-B object
        ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
        StockPrice obj = of.createStockPrice();
        // Create the JAX-B Element
        QName paramQName = new QName("urn://sample", "param", "m");
        JAXBElement e = new JAXBElement(paramQName, StockPrice.class, obj);
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    private transient ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
    public BusinessLifeCycleManagerV3Impl(RegistryService registry) {
        if(objectFactory == null)
          objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
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