protected void doRefresh() throws AuthFatalFailureException {
if (mOAuthToken == null) {
setRefreshFail(new BoxRestException("OAuthToken is null"));
throw new AuthFatalFailureException(getRefreshFailException());
String refreshToken = mOAuthToken.getRefreshToken();
try {
mOAuthToken = mClient.getOAuthManager().refreshOAuth(refreshToken, mClientId, mClientSecret, mDeviceId, mDeviceName);
if (refreshListener != null) {
} catch (BoxRestException e) {
// A BoxRestException indicates a network error or a json parsing error. In this case, there is no reason to enter a failure state. Just throw an
// exception and set the token state back to AVAILABLE so the app can retry if it wishes.
throw new AuthFatalFailureException(e, refreshToken);
} catch (BoxServerException e) {
// A BoxServerException indicates an error from the server. This could be a 500, 403, 400, etc. The only case in which this is a permanent failure
// is if we get a 400, which means the user's refresh token is invalid. In that case, we call setRefreshFail to enter a failure state until the user
// re-logs-in. In the case of any other status, we set the token state back to AVAILABLE to allow the app to retry if it wishes.
if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST) {
} else {
throw new AuthFatalFailureException(e, refreshToken);